JNCO jeans

Discussion in 'General' started by blaze vigilante, Jul 1, 2008.

  1. Ok, so what the fuck happened to these? a while back in time these were all I used to wear because they were so comfortable and conveniant, and since i'm so skinny i look like a jackass in normal straight legg jeans, but since 9th grade i've grown a bit...and all my old pairs no longer fit me at all or have been shredded to death.....so i decide to go for some new jeans...

    i go into sears, and the other usual stores....and they are non existant! what the fuck? is it just near me, or are they just gone everywhere?? i've been wearing the same pair of cargo pants forever now due to a lack of jeans.
  2. yeah i don't know any place that sells them now. it used to be gadzooks but come to think of it, i don't know anybody who still wears them. haha those were old school.
  3. If you're skinny just wear skinny jeans.
  4. I remember Jncos...All baggy and shit.

    I can't stand wearing relaxed or bagggy jeans anymore...I'm skinny as hell too dude, 6 ft tall and I love wearing slim fit or regular/slim jeans. Plus, being tall it makes me look even taller cause it accentuates my long legs...Sounds gay, but if im gonna pay a lot of money for jeans then they better look good on me and be comfortable.

    Id say try out some Levi's 501 or 514 styles
  5. Agreed. I use to wear only bootcut and now I don't own a single pair, all slim/skinny.
  6. I only had one pair of JNCO's back in the day. The rest of the time my momma would just take me to the department store and I'd have to get pants a size or two too big so they were baggy. Yeah, back in the day...
  7. yea i rocked the hell out of my jncos and starter jacket back in middle school lol
  8. haha. these were the shit back in the day. i think they went under.
  9. Holy shit :hello:, I'm having flashbacks of my middle school years lol.

    Anybody rock the fat laces w/ your Addidas in middle school lol?

  10. haha yea i used to do this too before i discovered gabriel brothers

    gabes used to carry mad jnco, jnco was the pimp-shit back in middle school, kids rockin pants so baggy u could fit like 4 people in 1 pair of jeans if the waste was big enough
  11. I'm a femaleand I even had a pair that I found in the Junior's section back when I was 11 or 12.

    That was ten years ago.
  12. hahah ooo middle school how i miss you those and those UFO pants that were even bigger
  13. i guess i'll have to, unless i wanna wear some rapper jeans or some shit.....i generally don't like wearing form fitting clothes because i'm pretty short and pretty scronny, so it just makes me look even smaller, jncos were perfect for disguising that shit :)
  14. Anyone remember Paco Jeans? In my area those were like on par with JNCO when the baggy pants craze hit in like 5th grade.
  15. Haha I forgot about JNCO and Paco
  16. lol dude, i just found my BIG ASS pacos the other day in the back of my closet, along with like a tripple XL limp bizkit shirt

    the shit is STILL big as fuck on me, i must have looked rediculous
  17. did you time travel from 1994 to get these?


    ....we're fresh out.
  18. what a disgusting pair of denim
  19. whats so bad about it? not all types of people look good in tight pants : /

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