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Jiu Jitsu Or Judo.. Debate

Discussion in 'Fitness, Health & Nutrition' started by MRCRONIK, Jun 9, 2013.

  1. I'm debating on which one is a better art and who would win in a fight
    A black belt in BJJ
    Or a black bet in Judo
    What are your thoughts?

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  2. Id say bjj just cause you also learn wrestling, i dont really know about judo besides epic flips. Id assume a bjj could manage to not get flipped by a judo and even if he did, he gets tossed right into the bjj domain. I use to do bjj but i find i got way to injured.
    Judo teaches impressive throws like hip tosses and stuff, but there's also all kinds of trips and other takedowns. But if you get thrown by a good judoka you're going to be in a bad position, plus you're probably winded from being thrown on your back.
    Honestly, there's way too many factors at play to really give a good answer. There really is no "best style", it's how you train, how good of shape you're in, and luck plays a factor too.
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  4. I'd say it doesn't natter. If you train with someone of the other discipline you'll learn not.only.your own but how with others.

    That's why they have "mixed martial.arts" now.

    It.doesn't matter what style you use. It matters if you train against the other styles and.learn how to fight better overall

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  5. mmas been around long enough now im sure that matchups happened many times.
    There are no absolutes
  6. A black belt in judo has been training 3 years probably. A BJJ balckbelt is more along the lines of 11-13 years... So BJJ hands down. Judo BB is equivalent to a BJJ blue belt with a few stripes.
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  7. A black belt in judo has been training 3 years probably. A BJJ balckbelt is more along the lines of 11-13 years... So BJJ hands down. Judo BB is equivalent to a BJJ blue belt with a few stripes.
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  8. Bj penn got his black belt in BJJ in 3 years

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  9. He's the exception, don't argue look it up. He's called the protege for a reason
  10. bjj was derived from judo.... one is mainly a standing martial art the other is mainly a ground martial art but both teach submissions.
    having done both and wrestling i would say that the bjj bb would most likely win due to the amount of time spent on the ground actually rolling for submissions and defense. at the gym i train at most of the bb reached their belt within 9-12years, ive seen my head professor (Giva Santana, bjj for 17years and pan ams champ 4th degree bb) roll with all types of people and he breazes through all of them so it would be hard for me to see him loose to a judo bb, that goes for all my professors actually they are just insanly fluid and consistent in their games - there is a judo dojo right down the street from us that trains judo and aikido
    all in all if you have a wrestling backround then you can feel the judo practicioner setting up his throws and can counter them with greco roman throws and if you are thrown you can regain position through sweeps or bottom submissions, all depends on how you play the game though.
  11. Um.. maybe at a shitty club. I trained for 12 and have a brown belt (I have never gone for my black belt.) Every black belt I know trained for 10+ years. There are BJJ clubs that give belts out like candy too - that is common with all martial arts unfortunately. You don't know what you're talking about.
    As for the question: there is no solid answer. It all depends on the individual and how good they are in their respective sport. It's like trying to figure out who could sink more consecutive shots between pro basketball players. There is no way of deciding if they are the most skilled candidates to participate let alone decide definitively which team is better based on the performance of two players.
    I've had my ass handed to me by some BJJ guys and I've dished it out just as good to others. They are both worth learning and not as different as some people are making them out to be in this thread. If you find a good school then you will learn a lot regardless of which style you choose.
  12. #12 squat, Jun 13, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 13, 2013
    It doesn't take 10 years to get a BB in judo. It takes like max 8 at a "real club" or 3-4 at a sport club.
    BJJ black belts take 11-13 on average... What did I say that was wrong?
    Lol I saw your post before you edited it but nice try. Clearly you googled yourself into an answer so I'm not about to debate with you. I was going to post the exact link you got your reply from.


    And to answer the mildly condescending question you asked before editing- I still have my brown belt because I have not competed or tested for black. It's not important to me.
  14. Fak I've been caught
  15. For the record I got my original info from a 2nd or 3rd degree bb in judo who told me those things. He used to help teach BJJ with my prof.
  16. Its ironic. The title is "juijitsu vs judo" but its all talk.

    When you guys going to fight?

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  17. "...debate"

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  18. Fight who? I don't see the irony...
  19. Fight who? I don't see the irony...
    I was just being silly. Its a debate about what fighting style is better.

    Shouldn't we find.out the scientific way?

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  20. Ah, I'm slow.
    We should all sword fight to the death. That seems most logical.

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