Jet Set (Grind) Radio

Discussion in 'Gamer's Heartbeat' started by Bleenix, Mar 25, 2013.

  1. This game was my childhood:smoke::cry::smoke:
  2. This game was the shit. Then they RE-MADE IT IN 3D OR WHATEVER ...FUCKING RUINED. I Still have the original though but no XBOX to play.
  3. Awesome game. I have on steam. And still have Jet Set Radio Future on my original Xbox. <3
  4. I always saw my brother play this it looked pretty cool what is it about?
  5. The original was on dreamcast. They made an hd remix for ps3 and vita and probably more.
  6. the game has the best soundtrack
  7. @reup: you're in a gang, its tokyo, you ride around on magnetically driven rollerblades doing grinds and shit, you spray paint everything, the cops try and catch you, the music rules

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