Jesus-son of God or alien human hybrid?

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by Foreman, Apr 9, 2006.

  1. There are a number of factual mistakes and unjustifiable assumptions in your post, enchalada1. I'll let you find them.


    I'm not talking about the faith-based stuff, I mean like AD doesn't mean After Death, and there's no theory in any science that says everything has an opposite.

    Also, the Bible works the way it does because it's NOT just a collection of books; a council of religious people collected hundreds of books, edited out the stuff they didn't like, dropped most of the books, and came out with a Bible. That's how it was created, or at least how the common version of it was.

    I'm not questioning your faith, I'm just saying you can't prove religion with science, as you seem to imply that you can.
  2. yes enchalada, it looks like you just joined this forum (1 post), to try and convert us to christianity. But i also have a question. If the devil always trys to make us do bad and be evil, then how come when we do and we go to hell, we will be punished by him for doing what he asked us to do?? And you also said that even a ouija board proves that demons are real, which is complete bullshit. Ouija boards do not prove whatsoever that demons exist
  3. here's a trippy idea.....imagine we someday develop the ability to time travel....will someone prove the existance and validity of jesus? Would you want them to? What if he didn't exist and preform all the so-called miracles? How would the world react? What if we discovered he was an alien? Would that be funking crazy or what? Of course, if he was proven to be the real deal, it would revolutionize religion in the world....If you went back in time and saw he wasn't at all what we make him out to be, do you tell the world upon your return and destroy the chrisitian religion? just something to think about.
  4. ^^^if you went back in time and did all that shit you would probly fuck up every thing even more. and heres another question, if there really was an all powerful god then why would he allow weed to be outlawed and banned allover the place? i mean, what the fuck. its weed for christ sakes

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