jesus god

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by negligent, Feb 23, 2005.

  1. i got a citation man, haha a bad one to, haha i'm on probation so i hope that doesnt like go to my PO, shit haha but yea i was high as shit we had a bong in the car and some weed, and i drove down the left hand lane past a cop car cuz for some dumbass reason i thought i was in irwin but really i was in east mckeesport haha, so i realized i fucked up n pulled over, it reaked like weed, so i sparked up a cigarette n so did my buddy, we stashed the bong in the glove box, and 2 cops came in behind us, then he asked for license n registration, haha so fuck i had to go in my glovebox right, well even though a cop was standin on both sides of my car and my speech was slurred from the weekend they didnt find the bong nor search my car, but i got a hefty $105.00 dollar fine to pay

    PM me and send your donations i'll give u my address, haha i got 10 days to pay dis shit wit no job and without tellin my dad to pay dis shit, haha or else theres a warrant for my arrest n shit. not good cuz i got a PO please
  2. you better get to slangin, man. only way i can think of to make any money with no job.. but you gotta have money to get that started. hm. :/ you're facked. good luck
  3. If worst comes to worst....sell your bong....

  4. heeheeheee :D :D :D
  5. like runnin backwards through a cornfield
  6. you don't know.i have some bad eperinces in jail.

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