Jesus Camp

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by high as hell, Aug 6, 2007.

  1. im sorry if my post sounded like i was implying that Jesus was a space alien. Jesus was born through the virgin mother Mary.

    He came from Heaven.
  2. And this is wehre the debate ends and fantasy land begins.. *sigh*

    I resign, because if I've argued with bullshit once, I've done it a hundred times.

    Original Sin.. What a crock of shit.
  3. I dont think mary was a virgin, but a whore who had sex many times and probably birthed many illegit children. --debatable, i dont read scriptures, I couldnt tell you which book it came from. But im sure the story of mary before christs birth was told, doesnt mean either of us read it tho, certainly not me.

    I think she was called a virgin just because jesus was supposidly concieved divinely with out union of male sperm /female ovum, but that doesnt mean she never washed any winkies in her kitchen sinkie

    I mean...what jesus was a carpenter right?? what was mary?? I honestly think she was a whore
  4. I do believe that, but see i really have a hard time understanding why God would need genitals of a man, i mean God is God right ?
  5. "In truth there was only one Christian, and he died on the cross." -Nietzsche
  6. These pple are barely Christians, they're in a class of their own. They combine christianity and politics and no religion was meant to be political. They take advantage of children because they're the only ones who can be manipulated into their brainwashing. Christianity isn't meant to be applied it to your life 24/7 or making it your business to convert other pple to believe what you do.

    Why do you think this doc was made? to exploit these people...
  7. Come on guys, not the Devil's Advocate today... You know what he meant by being Christ-like :rolleyes: or what he meant by came to earth...

    But I like the above quote, very true. There is no way I can be exactly like Christ, I can only try to be more like Him. I don't think people are doomed to hell for their sins as much as hell is here and exists every single time you don't want to be somewhere.

    My younger brother said something about a week ago that was really profound for his age. (13) It was along these lines-

    He said, "Heaven is only being somewhere you want to be. Hell is only being somewhere you don't want to be."
  8. Most athiests I've heard from, say that if there is a heaven they don't want to go to it, so i guess they would rather go to hell.

    Pretty good quote though, expecially being sparked from a young mind.

    Thats absurd.
  10. Until the scene started, I thought you were kidding about praying to a cardboard cutout of Bush! That's the funniest shit I've ever seen...except that they weren't laughing!

    But at least they know the true face of evil when they see it! And the true face of evil is....Harry Potter! That's right, a spiritual crusade launched against a fictional character, while praying to a cardboard idiot. No, that doesn't sound nuts to me.

    Its just good wholesome American people, with no connection to Satan, doing everything that Satan would do, including calling themselves 'christians', to try and fool you.

    Reminds me of growing up.
  11. Doesn't that contradict the quote?

    Heaven is a place everyone wants to's human nature, that's the point.

    Atheists simply believe in heaven on earth, instead of a physical heaven up above...

    Or deny the concept of heaven altogether.
  12. Not so much. I've heard plenty of athiest, and agnostics tell me if heaven exists, they do not want to go there. I think you have misconstrued the definition of human nature.
  13. I'm sorry, I started laughing once that lady started talking about fat and lazy Christians. But those kind of camps freak me out. It's very depressing to think that there are camps designed to raise children that will one day try and tell me what to do with my self. Frightening. :(
  14. i watched about 5 min of that and couldn't go on. this kind of shit is ridiculous. i would fucking shoot myself it my parents ever made me go to a place like that. those poor kids are gonna be so messed up...i've had experience with this too. i went out with a girl for a few weeks knowing that she was christian, but not knowing how into it she was. basically her parents brainwashed her form birth and she ended up being crazy. and it's interesting how she was the most persuadable person i've ever known....wonder why :rolleyes:
  15. Misconstrued human nature?!

    What human does not want good things for themself? (that is of sound mind)

    Or perhaps you have used a couple of morons as an excuse to stereotype all atheists?
  16. Wow, more broad leaps and stupid assumptions. But what else to expect from you?

    There are people who don't donate to cancer charities, so they must hate people with cancer!

    There are people who don't like to be hot, so they must like to be cold!

    There are people who don't worship god, so they must worship the devil!

    See? I can say dumb shit too.
  17. Ya all the shit you say is dumb.

    I was saying that i've had people tell me this. You dont know what people tell me in real life. So please quit making ignorant assumptions. I didn't assume anything.

    Wow wow buddy I was just telling my personal expierence. Not sterotyping anyone.

    Since i am christian i took it from my point of view and since they dont want to be with God. What other option would they have but to go to Hell.
  18. That is an assumption, an assinine (asinine?) one at that. Doesn't matter what people tell you, what they say, that is an assumption, and it is unfounded and ignorant.

    Yes, considering every other time you've tried to debate with me, (or anyone else with some common sense, for that matter), you have been proven wrong in multiple ways. I can pull up post histories if you'd like.
  19. Ah yes. Sorry for the confusion there. See i've had mulitiple friends say if hell exists they want to go to hell. Ya a little messed up they are. It was just one of my expirences. It got misinterpreted, a good deal at that.
  20. Convenient excuse. If you're gonna pull a cop out, out of your ass instead of having the cahones to stand by what you originally said, then there's no use in this debate. You got called out on a dumb assumption, and now that you see the assumption you've made, you're just trying to backpedal. It's kinda sad, but funny at the same time

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