Jersey Proud!

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Cheezeburger, Apr 8, 2013.

  1. Even though I'm now Labeled as a n00b, don't underestimate me!
    I've used this site to grab some fine smoking apparatuses before, but never really checked out the forums. So, here I am!
    OhhHai! :wave:
  2. welcome to gc I grew up in nj too :D
  3. had a best friend from jersey, you guys keep it real, welcome bro!
  4. Thanks! Where in Jersey you grow up? My stomping grounds is South Jersey.
  5. Thank you! Keep blazing :D
  6. i was just in new milford, nj for a wedding last weekend.

    whats smoking mayne & welcome TO THE CITY!
  7. Used to live in Jersey... Not sure if California is better or worse! Jersey is a great place.
    Welcome, by the way.
  8. I hope it was a beautiful day for the wedding! Milford's alright. I prefer the south side with the beaches and bayside areas. Nothing beats a fattie rolled up on a nice calm night out on the water night crabbing or simply canoeing thru the channels lol. Thanks for the welcoming! :D
  9. Word man! I wanted to move to Cali for so long when I was younger. Just seemed like the place to be. Jersey however, is a love/hate situation. Lol. Now a days I'm planning to move out to Colorado by the end of this year and luckily I'll be out there to look at apartments during the Cannabis Cup! Woot! Anybody else going?

    Thanks for the welcome! Everybody here has been really awesome! :D
  10. Sup man, jersey is cool most of my italian side of my grandmas side stays there. Dont move to cali tho! Its very exspensive to live here and theres a ton of crime, illegal immigrants, and la has bad traffic. But we do have good weed, pretty girls, and some chill people if you can find them.
  11. Hey man! What's good!?
    I'm currently in Denver Colorado getting ready to celebrate the holidaze this weekend at the Cannabis Cup!!!
    I love Cali for what it is but I couldn't live there... I'm looking at apartments in Colorado while I'm here which is awesome, but I have to say, I'm going to def miss the ocean...
  12. Yo wat up i live in south jersey too. Ever hear about washington township?

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