Jersey Milk

Discussion in 'General' started by Aquazero, Feb 1, 2011.

  1. Drove accross the border, down to Bellingham, WA this morning. Drove down there especially for Jersey Milk, I swear it's the best, creamiest milk out there. I also had lunch at Bob's Burger place and could only barely finish my burger, couldn't even touch my fries I was so full. Lol you americanos sure know how to do it big! :p
  2. You should come down to Texas, that is unless yer yeller
  3. Straight up, I've been to Texas bro lol, Marble Falls TX, my sis lives there. And yes the meal portions are crazy big. Dennys was pretty killz
  4. Come get some in and out and you or charlie burger.
  5. Yum yums er wut?

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