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jenga bowl?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by stonerbro00, Jan 14, 2010.

  1. im sure this has been thought of before but i recently found some old jenga pieces and thought that itd wouldnt be a bad idea to turn these into bowls because a) theyre cheap b) can discard if i have to c) wont break like glass. so my questions are : should i add a carb or keep it a simple pipe design? and what should i put in the bowl itself to protect the wood from burning?

    keep in mind i am not limited by tools, i have a drill press plus various drill bits and hole wideners.
  2. if your not limited then dont limit yourself! put in a carb and i would recommend at this point just using a screen to keep the wood from burning. Once you use it enough i suppose the resin would keep the wood from burning. it might help to not torch it too :D
    lemme know how it goes haha
  3. Lol yeah, doo a variety! after you finish with those you should look at pipestone or soap stone too! lol fun to make pipes out of.
  4. haha thanks guys! deff taking what you say into consideration when i make it. unfortunately i hurt my wrist so i wont be able to make it till around sunday but when its done ill post some pics :]
  5. ya ive seen a jenga bowl only problem with theirs is that they did not put a carb hole
  6. perfect ill be sure to put one. havent decided if i wanna make it an ambidexterous carb or if i wanna pick a side
  7. make it like a stem roller, carb in the front, straight shot

  8. those work too! lol but make sure you get the bowl to chamber part right or it will smoke funny hehe.
  9. #9 TJJ, Jan 15, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 15, 2010
    Go make it and then and once you take you first hit of it say out loud JENGA!!!

    Not me but I just found this on youtube

  10. yea i was thinking about it and itd just be easier if i drilled a hole straight through. and thats a good idea, modding a sneak a toke to the jenga piece but my idea of this came from simplicity and secrecy. its only gonna take me 10 minutes to make. ill work on it tomorrow, try it out, and post pics, im pumped haha. dont think youll get a milk shot tho :p
  11. You could have some fun with a Jenga bowl. I'd make a game out of smoking with it. Build the Jenga tower with the Jenga pipe placed mid-way down, maybe roll a few dice to set a number of blocks that have to be removed before you can touch the piece. If you pull the piece one of your buds has to pack the bowl, and if you knock down the tower you pack it. Have fun with your project.
  12. Made this today, idea from this thread. Basically just took a drill and drilled the chamber, then made the carb with a smaller drill bit, then made a place to put the socket. It fits pretty snugly, so I can wiggle it out if need be. Hits decently.

  13. Hahaha, the video was mine when I did my first Jenga Pipe, the vid hit 15k views but I deleted my account because I needed my e-mail to make a new one :p

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