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Jeebus Fucking Christ Norm!!!

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by D9_THC, Oct 7, 2002.

  1. I don't wanna see yer arse!!! You have anal dreads!!!!

    Sick!!!!!!!!!!! Arrgghhhh!!!
  2. heh, I noticed that too.
    I'm guessing he lost another bet with bpp. I tend to think of buttocks as more of a target than anything so
    unsightly. oh, and didn't you know? ass dreads are all the rage in america and the republic of congo. We call 'em 'dookie doo's'
  3. Congo???


    Ah well.... I'm not too keen on his ass....

    But RMJL... show us yer boobies!!!!

  4. They're not dreads, just dingleberries!
  5. My team won so I don't have to show my boobies. That's the whole reason why you got to see Norm's ass.

    I shortened his avatar sentence that Poppa gave him but he took advantage and made his booty his avatar instead of going back to his old one. Sorry guys! Put some duck tape on your screen to cover up his butt. That's what I'm gonna do.
    • Like Like x 1
  6. Haha! Norm has dingleberries!!!! Can I make some dingleberry pancakes???? *yum yum* :p
  7. Here ya go..........

    Attached Files:

  8. Now if we could just somehow combine stonies av with norms I would be laughing for days ;)
  9. ass is smoking a joint...and i dont have ass dreads..thats a shadow would be a weird way to have anal dreads tho
  10. That poor gopher ;)

    Somebody definatly MUST animate that

  12. haaa haa ha haaaa haa

    namron has baby nuts, namron has baby nuts
  13. SO?!?!

    people would just pay more to see the worlds smallest nuts...then we could get the cabin quicker:D
  14. Thta's right, way to go freak show. Oh and with funky phils face we could make millions ;)
  15. i think im getting sick rarr...

    time for some medicinal marihano
  16. Hey Norm, RMJL said you don't have to keep your ass as your advatar. Why don't you change the adv????

    Or maybe you did! I can't tell.......

    what was i doing?
  18. theres probably a damn good reason that 420girlie calls you

  19. Are you stoned again? You know what that shit will do to your brain........ Why would you want to be stoned for any way?

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