If he gets elected I'll bet somebody pays a hitman to have him assinated. NO MORE BUSH IN THE WHITE HOUSE!!!!! WE HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF THAT BULLSHIT!!! ________________________________________________________________________________ WASHINGTON (AP) - President George W. Bush is giving even odds about whether another Bush will try to occupy the White House. Brother Jeb, a former Florida governor, is "wrestling with the decision" of running for the Republican nomination for president in 2016, George W. Bush says. "I think it's 50-50," the former president told CBS' "Face the Nation." "He and I are very close. On the other hand, he's not here knocking on my door, you know, agonizing about the decision. He knows exactly, you know, the ramifications on family, for example. He's seen his dad and his brother go through the presidency. I'd give it a tossup." The former president was more conservative in his estimate than another family member. Jeb Bush's son George P. Bush said two weeks ago it was more likely than not that the former Florida governor would move forward. George W. Bush is promoting "41," a book about his father, former President George H.W. Bush. "One of the lessons you learn from George H.W. Bush is that you can go into politics and still be a good father," George W. Bush said when asked if it's worth putting a family through a presidential campaign. "I put our family through it," he responded. George W. Bush said he would be "all in" for his brother if he decides to run for the office and would do whatever he asks, even if it's to stay behind the scenes. As for their mother's position that enough Bushes have run for president, he said, "Sometimes her prognostications haven't been very accurate."
I completely belive the american public is ignorant enough to elect him honestly. -.- Sent from my SCH-S738C using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Elect the best person for the job. Don't worry about the color or the name. Jeb has tons of governing experience and has done a pretty good job. I wouldn't hold his family against him.
Haha I remember in 2008 it was anybody but bush, now it's anybody but Obama lmao (both are progressives) I don't know any of jeb bush policies but I wouldn't nominate him, ONLY because of the stigma of the bush name I wish we would get a decent, down to earth, regular person as our next president. Not a politician. I would take honesty over experience ANY time
How would Jeb Bush being President be anything different than the last 14 years of G.W. Bush and Barack Obama?
Because then it would be 18 years of G.W Bush, Barack Obama, and Jeb Bush. Maybe even 22, if we're faced with another lose-either-way poll like Romney vs. Obama.
I like Ben Carson but he has no political experience and doesn't lie enough to be president. I read a little of a biography of him and he's a decent guy. That would fuck him right off the bat. Raised in inner city Detroit by a single mom, she instilled in him self worth, even though kids made fun of him for being stupid. He needed glasses was all. After he could see to read he showed himself to be smart as hell. Worked his way to become Director of Pediatric Neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital. No gimmes there. But since he doesn't hold to every single thing that Al Sharpton does he'd be labeled an Uncle Tom and abused for not being "black enough" by the usual racist assholes. Too bad real people can't become president - just phony political weasels.
If Jeb won once it'd be 20 years of the same. If twice it'd be 24 years. I guess my underlying point though was to ask the question - how are Jeb Bush, G.W. Bush, and Barack Obama any different? They all seem similar to me.
Oh hell no. He was governer of florida during the vote count scandle. I don't trust him. And his daddy and his brother could not keep themselves from whispering in his ear. He might put us back in Iraq looking for Saddam all over again.
I thought they were neo-conservatives (deficit spending, aggressive foreign policy, moving toward a police state, corporate cronyism).
Neo-conservatives have no problem with big government, just as long as it's a big business calls the shots.