Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back...

Discussion in 'Movies' started by nstyle, Feb 6, 2011.

  1. While High? How's the movie overall, i wanna toke up and watch it now..

  2. IMO Its not the greatest movie but I like it, but if your high Im sure youll laugh, check it out
  3. Clerks is better...
  4. The movie is pretty fuckin sweet.
  5. #5 burnie, Feb 6, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 6, 2011
    will ferrel's character is hilarious

    "that was an incredibly daring escape!"
  6. Kevin Smith is a genius.
  7. that's a good one
  8. Jay and Silent Bob are believable people in Clerks. I dunno, "Strike Back" just seemed so farfetched and I couldn't relate to any of the characters at all and got bored with the plot quite fast.

    I'm just picky. It was a fun laugh as far as slap-stick goes:rolleyes:
  9. It was entertaining, funny and had a will ferrel cameo ... i was satisfied with that combination

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