
Discussion in 'General' started by 3-H, Jan 17, 2010.

  1. I might be going to japan next month for 2 weeks, any blades? :hello: Or anyone else that has been to japan? Places to go? Bitches to fuck? Drinks to hath drunketh?
  2. All I know is that weed laws are incredibly strict and it's expensive and harder to find, so i'd recomend a short t-break and get really high when you come back :smoking:
  3. Sakebombs!
  4. God damn! haah Sakebombs it IS!:hello::hello::hello:
  5. Yeah I wouldn't try to do anything involved with Cannabis if you go; unless you want to pay $22,000 in fines and 7 years in prison.
  6. Dude sounds like a plan. Always wanted an extended stay...see you in 7 years! :wave:
  7. There's alot of bicthes overe there to fuck there freaks they love fucking let me know how many you fuck hahahah
  8. Dye your hair blonde and go to roppongi to get laid. Lots of gaijin fuckers in roppongi.
  9. Um. How are you going to generalize an entire nation of women, like that? Assuming from your post, you've never actually been to Japan? It's definitely a conservative country, and most of the women there are rather prude.


    You definitely should visit Harajuku bridge

    Harajuku - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

  10. Maybe not the whole country but were I went (Tokyo) there were alot of freaks there
  11. good luck finding weed haha. dry as shit
  12. If it's two weeks don't risk buying or smoking pot there, the rules are fucked.

    I also heard that climbing Mt. Fuji is a massive let down, and that Japanese girls get all hot and bothered by guys who can't speak Japanese.
  13. I see..

    Most girls are only freaks to the right kind of scholarly gentleman; assuming he's got some suave demeanor and good looks to back it up (that always helps). But it's still not nice to speak of women in that tone, especially foreigners. You're giving the OP unhealthy ideas..
  14. You will get alot of attention from the ladies. Assuming you are white and can't speak Japanese. But chances are you wont get sex from any of them. Your best bet is go to a gaijin bar and wait to get picked up by a dirty japanese girl. If you are REALLY want to get laid get a thai or chinese whore.

    Good luck finding weed. Like said before, you should probably just forget about getting high while you are there. Unless you want to risk asking muslim teens.

    Good Japanese whiskey and asahi beer are the shit.
  15. I'm already blonde hair blue eyed!:hello:haha I was only busting about the fucking part but hey if the opportunity comes a knockin' I ain't going to turn it down! My dad goes over to China a bit and he says the women there usually find one partner and stay with them for life!:eek: But then he said all the girls said I was a straight cutie when he showed them my picture.

    @JVJR408 I definitely want to go to the bridge those girls look awesome! I love some of the crazy Japanese style they got going on over their. Their drinking age is 21 correct? I'm a 22 college graduate! Maybe I'll take my suit with me and go out to meet fine women haha!

    Nothing wrong with checking out whats on the menu boys, flirting is the best!
  16. Hit up a-town and bring back a loli as a souvenir
  17. 私はアメリカで英語を話す住んでいます。
  18. i went to japan with my class back in high school and some guy on the street sold me some shrooms, and a bar owner got me and my friend drunk for free. pretty damn sick if you ask me.

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