Jack Poison

Discussion in 'Indoor Grow Journals' started by Jacques Strappe, Aug 6, 2023.

  1. #1 Jacques Strappe, Aug 6, 2023
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2023
    A while back I crossed Jack Herrer (male) with Durban Poison (female) so I'm calling it Jack Poison. Not a new strain, just an easy way to refer to it.

    The seeds produced were tiny and kinda iffy looking so I decided to do germination test. So far 11 out of about 15 ( I didn't really count) so not as bad as I thought. All males will go to the composter and the best looking female will become my test subject for making feminized seed with colloidal silver.

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  2. sound like a good X Jacques ,,theres a few Xs made with Durban poison ...hope you got a good X and good colas 'luck'.....mac
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  3. Lol, another one just shoved its head out of the dirt. So how many and which ones will I keep?
  4. biggest mistake for many breeders is harvesting the seeds too early, I prefer to go 2x as long as when harvesting flowers...
    man I learnt the hard way ...lol

  5. #5 Jacques Strappe, Aug 8, 2023
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2023
    Well, you can never judge a seed by its looks I see. I got 17 sprouts which is pretty close to 100% germination having eyeballed at about 15 seeds. :rolleyes:
    Potted up 6 in 1gal bags with reamended soil.
  6. upload_2023-8-7_21-44-35.png
    Posting pix is a nightmare today.
  7. Update: All the little Jack Poisons are settling in. Sunset Sherbet center stage and Purple Poison stage right.

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  8. #8 Jacques Strappe, Aug 26, 2023
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2023
    Nother update. Everyone just had a nice compost tea.

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