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j or homemade bong?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by thekeeftheif, Jan 29, 2010.

  1. Okay so I don't know which is the better call...

    the homemade bong (vitamin water 32 bottle + pen + foil bowl) is really prime... hits real well, but it uses a foil piece... and that kinda creeps me out when I think about it too much (the whole Alzheimer thing). however, I feel like lately the bong hasn't been getting me stoned like it use to :/

    but I also have some zig zags... I could just roll a joint and coat it in a little bit of honey and have myself a good time.

    which would you guys/gals suggest and why? and can your body get "use" to a piece somehow? i feel like my homemade bong doesn't get me as high as I use to and the last time I rolled a j it got me way higher (yes I know about tolerance). is that because perhaps joints just use more weed?

    mucho help appreciated ;)
  2. Niether, plastic along with honey are not meant to be smoked. Just roll a j, and when you get around to it pick up a pipe.
  3. If the bong aint cutting it lately hit the joint.

    The two highs are different so the joint may actually make a difference and be more powerful to you. And I hear honey smoke isn't the best for your lungs.
  4. Hmm your best bet may just be to invest $30-$40 ceramic bong or something, they're nothing special but definitely worth it. Either that or get a small piece for like $10.
  5. Just roll a j. But leave the honey out of the picture cause that just makes it bad. I did it one time and it smoked HORRIBLE it was a waste of good bud, so I would suggest not doing it
  6. NO FOIL. Wtfuzz. No tin foil man. Not only alzheimers, just think about it, its tin foil, people say its bad to use it on your food, and thats what it was made for. Id say roll that J. But I love bongs way more, so id say u pick up a bubbler or bong asap. :) have fun PEACe
  7. to those who actually have answered my question so far... THANK YOU

    i think def going for the joint now, but I have a second question since honey doesn't seem to be a good thing to use (i've used it only a few times - but it's worked great) ... I have heard a way to make a joint burn slower is by rolling one with two papers? does this mean I would literally just stack two papers on top of eachother and roll it like it ones?

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