iws grow

Discussion in 'Indoor Grow Journals' started by eastman69er, Sep 29, 2010.

  1. hello all,

    yes, its me, im back again:D

    right now i have got an iws system going on. First time i have used this system, and to tell you the truth, im pleasantly suprised.

    this system requires the minimum amount of input, it just wants to be left alone to crack on with its own thing. This system suits me right to the ground.

    The strain i have at the moment is SUPER CHEESE HAZE. The genetics have been kindly given to me from a good friend on GC, thanx buddy:hello:

    I have 4 X 600 watt hps lights over the plants at the moment, they are officially gonna complete 10 days of flower tonight. I have some of the plants in little 6litre pots in soil as well, so doing the whole hydro/soil thing back to back.

    il put some pix up tonite, so keep an eye on me.

  2. Hello Spiked,

    Thanx for looking in on me man.

    Im definately gonna be taking pix tonight. I did take the camera last time round, battery finished just as i took the first pic,lol

    battery is charged up, im gonna be taking a shitload of pics. They will be completing 2 weeks of flowering tomorrow night.

  3. Nearly 2weeks for mine 13days since the 12/12 was put in place:smoke:

    Hurry up with your porno:p and don't forget to take photos;)
  4. Hello Grasscity,

    apologies for the delay in getting the pix, life has been kinda hectic at the moment.

    My plants have now completed 14 days of flowering, im looking to let the whole thing run for 8-10 weeks depending on the trichs.

    anyways, il shut up now and let you guys look at my pix.

    as always, comments, opinions and advice is expected and welcomed.


    ps. I will be uploading some more pix next monday, give the bud porn time to fatten up:hello:

    Attached Files:

  5. anyone looking in?

  6. Keep it up bro they are starting the show you porn:p what you feeding?
  7. hello all,

    I managed to get some new pix today. They have now completed 3 weeks of flowering. cos the lights was on, i took one of the plants out and took the pix in the darkness so we can all see the color and all that.

    hope you like the pix, only took pix of the one plant.


    Attached Files:

  8. nice setup and nice looking plants mate. i can't wait until mine are there :smoke:
  9. hello everyone,

    coming up to day 28 of flowering.

    We are due some new pix, i will be uploading some tonight.

    they have come a long way since the last pix, keep an eye out for me.

  10. oiiiiiiiiiii
    get them pics up
    they are looking buff
  11. hello all,

    i have now come armed with more pix. I am kinda happy with the results so far, never seen anything like it when i was doing soil, so all in all im a very happy chappy.

    the plants are now on day 34 of flowering, looking to take it upto about day 63 before the chop, as always depends on the trichomes.

    here are the pix, comments and opinions appreciated and expected.


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  12. Comments: Holy Sticky buds, 69r, I think I got to excited to fast. I must change my drawers now!!
  13. hahahahah, that made me laugh man, thanx.

    Im at the halfway point with this one. I still gonna run for at least another 4 and a half weeks.

    I have done this strain in soil before and wasnt that impressed with it, in hydro it just seems to have gone into overdrive.

    il be updating with pix hopefully next weekend, give my ladies a chance to fatten up:hello:

  14. Hiya old friend.:wave:

    They look great man...I guess know ya know why im in hydro...lol

    ive found that 5.8 to 6.0 in hydro is best... When the ph gets below 5.8 it locks out a few major nutrients, mag being one of them and a mag def there is no coming back from.
    your leafs will show a border of yellow for the rest of the grow... So my suggestion is to never let it get below 5.8.
    They look great man....sub'd for sure...

    Keep em green brother

  15. hello budslinger,

    thanx for taking the time to reply man, really really apreciated.

    Im never ever going to back to soil, flood and drain suits me down to the ground.

    i will keep my ph 5.8 and above.

  16. What kind of flood schedule are you running???
  17. i am feeding them every 3 hours during lights on. 4 times feed daily for a duration of 10 minutes. I was thinking of upping the duration, what do you think is the best way to go about it?

  18. I wouldnt change a thing dood...that perfect...
    No floods at night right?

    Thats a great schedule just be light on the nutes and youll have an epic grow...
  19. thanx for the bud,

    definately no feeding at lights off.

    no wonder you love hydro, this flood and drain malarkey is the business.

    this strain i ran for 10 weeks in soil and they utterly disappointed me. the same strain im running in flood and drain now and at 5th week of flower they look bigger then the soil ones at 10 weeks:eek:

    i am no way going back to any other way of growing. flood and drain is the dogs nuts:D

    il be uploading some more pix tonight when i go up there. keep an eye out for me bud, il uploading in a few hours.


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