I've officially had enough of this shit.

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by DankMedical, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. Well, my parents are a pair of dumb fucks. You probably think I'm the average teenager who fails out and smokes pot. Wrong.

    I have a 3.5, do sports year round and have a job.

    So my parents keep on taking my phone, my car (i paid for half + insurance), and other things and I'm done with it, I'm 18 and they need to get the fuck off my back.

    They've done it this time, I'm smoking a blunt upstairs, how long you think till they smell it?

    Its banana flavored :smoke:
  2. Lol your really smoking a blunt in the house. I don't how long I'd guess after a bout half the blunt? Maybe less. Let us know what happens!

  3. Yeah it's gonna be shorter then that, its a 2gram blunt of blue dream and I'm lightin' up right now :smoke:
  4. haha, this sounds interesting.. go for it man, let us know the result
  5. lol, enjoy. id say they will be smelling it in within the next few mins.
  6. Goodluck! Update us when you get the chance!
  7. it's mind blowing to think that dankmedical is really smoking that as i type this. i wonder when the fight begins
  8. will you please video tape it (hide camera in corner of room) and post what happens?

    I would LOVE to see this.... PLEASE! its such a good idea! quote me if you think so!!!!
    DO EEEET!!!!!!!!
  9. You are 18, supposedly. They can't take your stuff. Is the car registered to you? However, it's their house, don't smoke inside if they told you not too. Simple.

    Edit- Hope you enjoy the blunt though. :smoke:
  10. haha yea, you show them! nothin like gettin your point across by sparkin up a dutch in the crib!
    lol, im just playin, but thats not gonna help your situation out. Its gonna be pretty funny to see your parents reaction though.
  11. My. Hero.
  12. howd it turn out? they notice yet?
  13. I got 2 gs of blue dream too. Gonna be less later tonight though
  14. You are 18, move out.

    I was an emancipated minor at 16 and was living on my own, going to school and holding down a job. 2 jobs once I got out of HS before I got accepted to university.

    Simple solution. They take stuff away because you are not respecting the house rules, since you are no longer a minor, move out. You are in your own place, you can do what you want. Until then, obey the rules.

    Fucks sake, husband and I have an adult roomie, and I have a no tobacco rule in the house and she has no problem taking it outside. Man up, act adult and take responsibility for yourself.
  15. I think you're an arrogant, disrespectful teenager, not an "average" teenager who drops out and smokes pot.

    I really hate people bitching about their parents, either move out or listen to them, not that hard.
  16. hmm, your parents don't approve of you doing some illegal. you spark up blunt in parents crib

    i don't think that's gonna work
  17. OP probably got kicked out of the house.
  18. Not a smart choice at all to do that in their house. You sound like an addict. You gotta turn your relationship with them around or they'll forever look at you as the pot head with no memory because they already told you they don't want it around them. Smoke on the weekends, or late nights while they're asleep. You don't need it everday all day.
  19. So your parent's don't like you smoking weed...then you light up a blunt in their house...Good idea :cool:

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