ive got a suggestion!

Discussion in 'General Forum Feedback' started by greenmeany, Jun 25, 2009.

  1. i know this may sound mean to new members but consider this. Every year around the same times we get questions such as "when does flowering start" "when is harvest time" "how much will my plants produce" and, "is it too late to plant?" rediculously simple questions that are pretty noobish. they get asked all the friggin time and sometimes, the same exact questions are asked in the same forum! like in outdoor growing. There was, "Grow question: when does flowering begin in new york." then there was "when does floweirng begin" i mean just pure laziness. there is a search function people! So my proposal is this. 1) You can only start threads after you have x amount of posts. i hope it doesnt get abused (probably will) where people just post a ton of nonsense just to get their post numbers up. but i think that will help weed out alot of the people who just start up a membership and ask a few questions via new threads and never use the account again. 2) also, i feel that if someone doesnt use their account for so long, then their accounts should be deleted to clear up the gc community a little bit better. and im not talking about 1 post every 3 months keep you in. something in the middle works best i think. if any of these are already rules please let me know as i didnt find any results using the SEARCH function lol.

    and one final note. I must admit as well as everyone else on here in terms of the "Marijuana growing" section that i was once new to growing. we all were. but it really makes the quality of the information we share much less when people ask rudimentary questions, or questions that are talked about all the time and lastly, and thw orst case, when misinformation is spread. but let me tell you, ive used this search functions many times. anything i couldnt find i tried google. and 90% of the time, i ofund my answer. is as simple as that. but people seem to be so lazy that they just plug it into a thread rather than do a 5-10 minute search. well thats my rant for now lol. but seriously let me know what you think. if you want ill try to run a poll over in marijuana growing or something. later

  2. not sure if Vbulletin allows can do that, but i still don't think that would be a good idea, because if someone does have a good, valid question about what is wrong with their plants and needs help fast, they would spam the hell out of every forum just to ask their question...
  3. or they could read the stickies? the answer to a good majority of their questions are in there. and so many people start up a user account to ask a few questions and have no intention of stickiong around at all. or search the internet? im telling you if you cant find it here its probably been asked somewhere else. great tool. thnaks for the input.
  4. People are so like focused on trying to clean on the board which is cool, but i think its pretty clean. The only thing i could think of is adding a new section to every section or like the Absolute Beginner's section. Just add a community forum. Marijuana growing>Absolute beginners (stickies) > (community) (books)

    So it looks hidden and all the stickies are in one spot, so you are forced to look at it before you post

    actually this is a pointless idea.. screw it, if you like it glad i could help

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