I've finally decided to quit cigarettes any advise.

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by maddeadzone, Feb 28, 2012.

  1. Is there anything I can do to make quitting less stressful, and will my lungs recover from not smoking cigs? I smoked reds for 4 years, and had 4-6 a day.
  2. may the force be with you
  3. Have a wank everytime you feel like smoking. Or replace the cigs wit weed
  4. Do it, best thing you will ever do for your health. If you are only smoking a few a day just quit cold turkey, all patches and E-cigs do is keep you addicted to the nicotine. Good luck...
  5. yooo bro, invest in buying some ADA approved chewing gum, trust me it helps!! i only say ADA approved cause it helps with your teeth too :D double whammy :D I quit cold turkey after smoking a pack a day for over four years with the help of chewing gum. now its not a cake walk or anything, youll get bitchy, youll smoke some more cigs just cut down and over time you be will good bro. Good Luck
  6. Keep smoking, and then stop.

    If you are mentally unprepared, its going to fail, you are trying to conquer an addiction which requires mental strength.

    I've never had a problem combating addiction, but most people seem to struggle with it..

    Tips: Dedicate a day that you will smoke and it will be your last day to smoke, ever. It doesn't feel good to break promises to yourself.
    Replace cigarette addiction with a healthy thing, such as going for a jog outside. I never saw the need to replace a habit with another, but this seems to help people :wave:
    Fuck e-cigs, they are convenient but there is literature that suggests nicotine, in its native form, is carcinogenic by itself, effectively disabling the logic of ecigs. Just go clean and move on with your life.

    Quitting is going to be stressful, thats not really something you can deny, as cigarettes are used for stress relief and relaxation. Perhaps yoga or meditation can help? Running during times of stress (time in which you would crave a cigarette) can help loads as it releases dopamine and feels good :D

    good look buddy

  7. I cut down for the past couple months and think that I can do it, but I realized I smoked to get over the crap in everyday life. Is there anything I can do towards the recovery of my lungs?
  8. Try an E cig. Ive got some friends who swear by them. But like the dude above me pointed out, theres research that says they arent any better for you.
    Replacing it with another habit might work, like chewing gum.
    Mainly its just mind over matter, you just gotta keep telling yourself no.
    Its an uphill battle all the way man, quitting sucks for sure.
  9. Your lungs take about 10 years to return to somewhat normal.
  10. Good luck. I've gotta quit dipping.

    I've made it 4 days without a dip before then fucked it all up cause the cravings were so intense.
  11. im in the same boat just smoked my last cigarette and my first attemp at quitting ive smoked since 14 i am 18 now i already want smoke:mad: feel like sleeping those 2 weeks of whitdrawal
  12. I suggest trying ecigs, they're actually quite nice. I call bullshit on all the propaganda against them. Nicotine is absolutely a carcinogen when combusted, when not I highly doubt it. Nicotine exists naturally in many foods....like the entire nightshade family. Ever heard of a tomato giving anyone cancer?

    There's a lot of propaganda running around on these things. Not surprising; if they ever catch on, big tobacco and the government stands to lose a ton of money. Look up nicotine online. 90% of the negatives are from being lumped in with tobacco, and not about nicotine itself.

    Even if nicotine is slightly carcinogenic in theory, theory doesn't always translate into reality. The nature of combustion says anything smoked should, in theory be a carcinogen, because of the nature of the resulting carbon. But does anyone who smokes marijuana get lung cancer?

    It's about harm reduction, and ecigs are loads better than tobacco, and no more dangerous than other sorts of NRTs. Some people don't have the will power to just quit smoking. Those who say to just quit cold turkey aren't being realistic.
  13. But OP, you can try ecigs if you want, they've helped me a lot. I'm 10 days off tobacco and I never made it that far before. However I suppose they aren't for everyone.

    The biggest thing you need to tackle goes beyond your chemical addiction. You need to address the psychological dependancy and triggers that are far longer lasting than withdrawl symptoms. Identify your triggers, avoid as many of them as possible. For those you can't avoid, come up with a clear plan of how to deal with them when they come along.

    Also write down all of your reasons for quitting, and put them in something to carry with you. Do this because your mind will play tricks on you. You will find any excuse to have another cigarette after the first 8 hrs or so. So much so that your mind may start to distort your reasons for quitting to try and justify smoking. If you carry these reasons with you, you can't let yourself get away with that.
  14. That's actually not true. Nicotine as a carcinogen aside, there is not a single unbias source you could find, that says ecigs are just as bad for you as tobacco. I'm not saying they're good for you, or that they're 100% risk free. But it absolutely defies logic and intelligence to say that they're just as bad as tobacco.

    Propylene Glycol (a common food additive and carrier agent in inhalers), veggie glycerin, nicotine, and flavorings which are usually just other food additives. Vs what? Ammonia, carbon monoxide, acetone, tar, formaldehyde, and the list goes on and on.

    It's fine to be cautious about ecigs, as it is true that very few studies have been done on them. But to say they're just as bad as tobacco is, frankly, stupid.
  15. I second the Ecig. I dont think I could of quit smoking without it. I switched more than quit, but I believe it to be a healthier option. I have since recommended them to friends, co workers and family. I currently have one ready to send to my uncle, who has smoked longer than I have been alive. For less than $50 bucks you can get yourself a nice kit and some juices... what have you got to lose? There is an ecig forum as well, with tons of info, you may just find a few of your GC friends there to. Maybe thats why Nascarfan seems familiar?!:eek:
  16. Hahahaha possibly. I got by Forkeh, in most forums these days.
  17. So what happened, did you quit?
  18. Yeah- stay quittin'.
  19. Attempt #fuckknowsilostcount started last Monday.
    I'm staying at home for a few weeks until I know I'm over it this time.
    I won't be drinking until then either, it always causes me to fail. In fact, I can't remember the last time I smoked tobacco without drinking alcohol first.
  20. Meh, quitting cigs is easy; I've done it hundreds of times

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