I've figured it out!!!

Discussion in 'General' started by ZIGGS, Oct 23, 2008.

  1. Okay this is a little farfetched and I have no where near the resources but think it is a brilliant idea.

    Once my close friends and I are established and successful we will all live in some small community. In this community we will build some type of private church with restricted membership. In the basement and/or attic of this church will be a secret decent sized grow op.

    Here's the catch, all members won't even know about the grow op. but the few that do will help with the upkeep and get free nugs once we harvest. The rest of the members once harvest begins will be able to buy as much sick homegrown bud as they desire from the church for a reasonable price. No profits will be made except for the churches' expenses.

    I believe this church could easily and rapidly become a very wealthy church.

    Any comments, criticism or suggestions are appreciated.

    If i had the cash and it was like the 60's id start this now but am kinda worried about doing something like this these days. However it would still be about 10 years before i ever had the means to do so.
  2. Why don't you just start a grow with some buddies?

    Fuck a church, what religion were you going to make it anyway?
  3. what religion would this be?
  4. I'd imagine it'd be christian just because it's the most popular in America.

    under a church disguise its got lower suspicion and no one profiting other than the church.

    Lloyd: This isn't my real job, you know.
    Mary: No?
    Lloyd: Nope. My friend Harry and I are saving up money for a pet store.
    Mary: That's nice.
    Lloyd: I got worms!
    Mary: I beg your pardon?
    Lloyd: That's what we're gonna call it. I got worms! We're gonna specialize in selling worm farms. You know, like ant farms.
  5. I think the last thing we as a society need is more churches. Especially ones that are devoid of any actual spirituality.

  6. im not by any means religious but its the best front for any grow op.
  7. haha yo we already have this, its called stoners, but heres my while baked theor...

    you could get a real chirch, and invitye ur stoners too it, fellow stoners, and hav breaks where we go sesh, munchies n all, what u rekon dude?
  8. I'm tellin you man, it could be done but it would be a long shot. If you want to establish a church of a relatively well-known religion (Catholicism), you would need to be ordained and appointed to a church already established.

    If you were to start your own religion or a variation of an established religion, you better know your shit. You're gonna have to be well versed in the scriptures of these religions. To be honest, though, it would probably be really fucking easy to pull it off and bullshit people you are a real priest. You just have to sound convincing, and sell them this 'God' fellow that many-so-many religious officials have sold the public in the past.

    On second thought, you should establish a church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. That shit would fucking rock, and I'd totally go there. But, I digress.

    The nice thing will be that you won't get that heavily taxed, and if you are banking heavy amounts of 'donations'.... you will be able to pass off these 'donations' as donations, if that makes sense. I don't think that it would be worth doing this, especially taking in account the fact that buying a church, getting it established in the community, gaining a respectable following and spending the hefty amount of cash needed for upkeep would be far too costly to live comfortably off of.

    I like the idea, though, very much. Maybe think smaller-scale? Why not a muffin and coffee shop, like in Weeds :)... I wouldn't want to have a mass congregation being in what they think is a 'house of worship' when in all actuality they're walking above x amount of plants. And keep in mind, religious officials aren't necessarily immune to law enforcement and prosecution.
  9. what makes you think a church is the best cover for a growup? u think cops.DEA/FBI agents dont go to church? u think its a smart idea to bring tons of people in/around a church thats gonna reek of fresh marijuana?

    stupid idea in my book

    and if the church is just a cover, then why are you using the funds from selling pot to support the church.. donations alone fund churches

  10. well that's just it, all the profits would be legit and reported as donations. once you have a good ventilation for your grow along with RESTRICTED MEMBERSHIP to your circle of friends. I have a good circle of 50+ close friend tokers within 10 miles. we dont even have to run a service on sundays and say we worship on thursdays or anything. The point is the church wouldnt just let anyone in. although i know churches arent normally like that but whateva i do wat i want!
  11. i'm srry but i gotta say this..

    bible is evil, it created wars, it created religion, it created politics
  12. yea a weed cafe would be great, thats so much better
  13. Wait, so you're opening a church, to grow weed? :rolleyes:
  14. I think its dumb you could start a grow op somewhere where people dont go and not tell anyone about it.
  15. yo thats awesome!!! Stoner 420 sais i just smoked ur ass

  16. yes i've heard of cannabis sacrament churches in california and hawaii...this one would be in new york and be different because the public would know nothing of cannabis loving worshippers.

    the church could be used as a refuge for stoner friends and grow for a 100% profit that will be passed off as legit money via donations.

    its a cultivating, supplying, dealing, money laundering operation all-in-one.

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