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IV XX pick up thread

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by IV XX, Feb 7, 2011.

  1. I often cruise through this side of the forum and check everyones pick ups and what not, finally figured I'd go ahead and throw a few of my own up. I'll post each new pickup and ya'll can see how we do down here.

    The picture should give you a indication where it's at.

    Purple Diesel

    Purple Diesel

    Blue Dragon

    Blue Dragon
  2. I like the purple in the nugs.. Coolest thing about that CD is that when you say "Trill OG" Its like "Trilogy" and its his 3rd solo release :eek:
  3. Nice trees man.

  4. some nice grand daddy purp that I just picked up

  5. Damn man, nice nugs. I also like how you used them to spell out 420, that was genius.

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