On another forum i visit theres a thread where everybody is posting deep mind fuckingly blowing shit. I think that a forum of stoners should be able to come up with some deep shit. Im sure its been done before but whatever. like: Think about reality. everything around us, everything we touch feel hear see or taste is only electrical pulses in your mind? Like everything around us we take as fact and concrete. but all it really is is an impulse in our mind. What we see around us we may think everybody sees and interprets the same way but what if your whole life is some kind of dream or hallucination, everything we see around us is just electrical impulses in your mind right? Also space. scientists say that it is expanding and infinite. well how could an infinite amount of material fit in an area the size of your hand(big bang theory). And think about just that the universe is infinite meaning there is never a boundary or a place where anything stops it just keeps going on and on forever never stopping i dont think i can grasp the concept or infinite. . . theres just so much stuff about space and science and stuff i think humans just cant comprehend. i could keep going and probably will as the thread grows(hopefully). Post whatever boggles your mind.
1. Watch "The Matrix" That's your first paragraph. 2. Get a 5" long piece of string. How long is the length? 5", (duh). Now use that same piece of string, and tie it into a loop, (so it looks like "O". How long is that piece of string? Infinity. (you never run out of string, and could measure it forever) Hence, a definite volume with indefinate length.
OK, now for my "mind-fuck", (or at least a "huh?") At the center of almost every galaxy is a huge black hole. Given this, and the fact that NOTHING, (not even light), can escape from the gravitational forces of a black hole. Stars in galaxies are orbiting these astronomically large black holes, therefore they will eventually be all consumed by the black holes, rendering the galaxy into non-existence. Given a couple hundred trillion years, (the universe is only 14.6 billion years old), does this mean that eventually, the entirety of the Universe will compose of nothing but black holes orbiting each other? And once this happens, the black holes will be gravitationally attracted to each other, and eventually, (after like 4 quadrillion years or so), compact into one humongous black hole? So eventually, the entire mass of the Universe would be composed of a black hole of infinite density, and infinite mass. Thus, the "big crunch". And after this "big crunch" happens, what happens when this black hole, (that is the entire universe), from dissolving because it has no more matter to consume. The black hole implodes, (consuming its self), and then explodes in its death, and starts up a new universe.
i was just about to say "space" but black hole is a much better responce did you see "journey to the end of the universe" too ?
youre right. everything is just electrical impulses to our brain. everything you see touch feel its just an impulse in your brain. its those nerves or w/e reacting with the object or objects (which are nothing more than a group of particles with electrons wizzing around, and big empty spaces in between the nucleus and the electrons.). and if you observe these particles, you can only figure out where they are or how fast they are moving. its impossible to observe both qualities at once. it makes me feel like the world we live in is all just a dream. also these atoms are the same thing that we are made up of, and everything else in the universe. the only difference is we have conciousness.
+1 Holy shit. I just realized that I'm one of the few people who can comprehend astophysics. And the most I've done is speed a ouple times, but is no way a habit. And Tim McGraw is sad. I dont know how that came into the picture, but it did. Now there's a sad song. "who needs pictures?"
It is known that there is an infinite number of worlds, but that not every one is inhabited. Therefore, there must be a finite number of inhabited worlds. Any finite number divided by infinity is as near to nothing as makes no odds, so if every planet in the Universe has a population of zero then the entire population of the Universe must also be zero, and any people you may actually meet from time to time are merely the products of a deranged imagination. ~Douglas Adams, The Original Hitchhiker Radio Script
not that i really want to open up a debate on the complexities of space (although really fitting to this thread) but i believe the edges of our universe are be propelled outwards by so called dark energy. so all of the galixies are getting further and further apart, it is unlikely that our galaxy will ever be near another one. also, galaxies are star making factories, and at the center of each are huge clouds of basic elements (hydrogen, helium, ect) not black holes. Here is something that may make you go huh: The theroy of the multiverse: an infinite number of other universes out there, in an infinite amount of space. each universe is completely imposible to reach, or even see for that matter. the universe is being accelerated so fast at the edges by dark matter that we would physically cease to exsist. we would be ripped proton from proton and each particle would be streched so far it would not be recognisable as something that exsists. each universe would have a completely different periodic table, and a completely different set of physics due to the highly unpredictable nature of such an explosion. each variance creating its own effect on how atoms, molecules, gravity, and even light is formed and percieved. crazy shit. i would love to go to another universe where everything is completely different. like even the basic elements, and physics. it would be impossible to comprehend, i think i would just blow up.
In regards to the explosion... Depends on what "materials" that almost infinitely smaller than a quark particle was made of before the big bang would it not? So if it is made out of the exact same thing then wouldn't all the other universes be identical to ours or at least a "parallel universe". Also if anybody reallys want's their minds blown. Check out string theory. As for the guy/girl who said that black holes are at the center of EVERY galaxy. No...No that's just not true. ALSO consider this, How is humanity going to survive if we DO servive through the ages?? The suns Hydrogen supply is constantly being drained AND check this out. Our solar system is orbiting solar systems which orbit other solar systems (or at least some other space thingy) which makes up our galaxy. Our galaxy is also orbiting other galaxies. This makes the universe. So could it be that our universe is orbiting other universes that are just too far to see at this time? Also in a few short millinia, our galaxy is going to encounter a cloud of gas that is poisonous to us. How will we survive that? A giant ball of glass that will encase whatever planet we currently inhabit? I don't know. I'm no scientist
also some people think parallel or alternate realities exist in which every possible outcome to every situation that we encounter is played out, and we just happen to live in ours. that blows my mind. its kind of like when you are in a room full of mirrors and it looks like you just go on forever and ever and ever..its like that..
about the quark particles if there had been a fraction of a degree in difference in the amount of dark matter (the unidentified) and light matter (elements and shit) the universe would have just colapsed then and there only to explode again. before the big bang (only theroy of course) we were as small as a molecule, made of a dense (really dense) quark soup. the quark soup is the building blocks to everything, yet had it been heated or expanded at a different rate everything we percieve today would have been interacting differently. also, with the advance in technology im sure we will find another planet to live on. or ateast figure out how to live in space long before we get consumed by poison and the sun runs out.