It's too bad Ron Paul would lose the Republican nominee...

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Green Wizard, Apr 13, 2011.

  1. ...cause he would be the only Republican candidate that could pull my vote away from Obama at this point in time, and I think a lot of other center/lefties would agree, as we all know, they can decide this election. What do you think?
  2. Damn man, can you give me tomorrow's winning Powerball numbers?

    "Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up." -Thomas Edison

    What do I think? I think the only one who has announced they are even running for POTUS is the POTUS.

  3. Still though, the popularity for him within his own party is abysmal. Chances unfortunately for him getting the nom is slim to none. And thats me being optimistic say it ain't so.
  4. Please give me a fucking break. Obama is a joke. How can you seriously vote to keep this man in office? I don't give a shit about your political party affiliation, but Obama has literally not made this country better at all. His campaign promises went out the window the first day.

    I'm not conservative/liberal or any other label people want to apply to themselves. It's just common sense, Obama is not a good president. How could you vote him back into office/
  5. Who cares, he can tap into the independents and sensible Democrats.

    If I were a Democrat I would vote for RP in the Republican primaries. :D
  6. #6 Green Wizard, Apr 13, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 13, 2011
    You could be on to something devilish here.

    Which is a reason for the electorial college.

  7. Do you believe we would be in a better position if John McCain got elected? If so, explain how.
  8. I honestly can't answer that question, because I don't know what John McCain would have done. He made his campaign promises just like Obama did. The large majority of politicians are crooks. We'd honestly still be a shit hole regardless of who was elected.

    We need to elect someone who runs for the best interest of the people, not their wallets. Unfortunately, that probably won't happen. But we can at least try. Our best bet is Ron Paul, at this time, and I don't give a flying fuck what label he has in terms of his party affiliation. This partisanship bullshit has been destroying our country for over a century now.

    "There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties, each arranged under it leader, and concerting measures in opposition to each other. This, in my humble opinion, is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution." --John Adams

  9. If you don't think Ron Paul will win than why don't you support him? Have you seen the amount of publicity he's been getting this year compared to back in 08? You all sound like you have no hope left for america
  10. Although I do agree that Ron Paul getting the nomination is absolutely small. If any, at all.

    BUT he's got much more attention this year, a lot more supporters & there's no way he's going to be pushed out of the mainstream media this time.

    at least, I hope.

  11. I'm not a registered republican so I got to sit on my hands and wait until the general election. Honestly, I just don't think the republicans are going to give him the nomination, and he needs that nomination if he wants to be president. If he goes third party, he's out.

  12. Well what about new and internet sources putting him at the top of polls for most likely representative? With every other candidate being a dirty slime bag doesn't it look like Ron Paul could be the only nominee?

  13. I keep up with the major news outlets and I ain't heard much chatter on Paul Idk, maybe I walk into the other room momentarily when they discuss him, only to return on a discussion about Mitt Romney or Sarah Palin?
  14. They don't talk about him very much, and its not by mistake. He is much more popular then he was in 08. Personally I can't wait for him to announce his candidacy so I can start campaigning for him.

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