It's time to vote for GRASSCITY QUEEN!

Discussion in 'General' started by JuniorCain, Jan 23, 2006.

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  1. Have fun voting, fellow city members!
    Wykid suggest we call the winner \"Miss Mary Jane.\"
    Post your opinion on what they should be called as well...
  2. I vote for RMJL. :love:
  3. I voted for DBW:D

    EDIT: I should note that I beleive they ALL deserve this award. They all are some of the most helpful people in the city IMHO
  4. Gofuzz for the win
  5. Haha, she should be called Queen Mary.

    I vote DBW.
  6. I removed myself from this poll. I don\'t believe in popularity polls. I don\'t need the validation. Also, this isn\'t \"sponsered\" by Grasscity.
  7. Aw, RMJL. :( You were the best choice.
  8. I couldnt pick one, they all have been too nice to me and all the fellow blades, i think they all deserve there own \"bong rip hall of fame\" lol, sorry guys, just cant pick one, there all amazinghaha
  9. agreed :)
  10. I didnt vote either:cool:
  11. i was about to do that but then voted for DBW, shes been extremely helpful in the posts i have seen by her with lots of links to the info people need

    but thehempress and gofuzzyouself rock too
  12. Fuzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzy

    Boston Blades for Lifeeeeeeeee
  13. ... shoulda had a speech prepared.

  14. fuzz, because i live with her. and stuff.
  15. lol fuzz and DBW are tied, i think once of the stalkers come out her votes will sky rocket
  16. who\'s?:smoking:
  17. Never talked to fuzz or hempress but I have talked to bongwater...she was cool. So I voted for Dirtybongwater
  18. You guys need to learn some diplomacy; (rule #1: never choose sides!)

    I refuse to vote because i think all three of those fine ladies are great!
  19. I agree, all 3 seem great to me why chose one? :smoke:
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