Its time to plant!!!!

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by clodhopper, Oct 17, 2012.

  1. Cover plants for your guerilla grow that is. You know that vine with thorns on it that bleeds you every time you go to the patch? Well, its got seed pods hanging off of it right now and if youll shuck a few pods off in your hand and deposit them at your site, you'll have this living razor blade surrounding your grow site!

    Nearly every guerilla i know ends up using the same grow spots year after year and this thread is just a reminder that you can use native plants to improve your grow location and improve its stealth by planting shrubs trees or vines that block the view or camaflogue the grow.

    And most native plants grow fast. There are 2 vines that grow here that when fertilized, can grow 100' a year. Some tree's: Redbud, popular, willow and other that can grow 20' per year as seedlings and block an open view.

    For those in the eastern/souther US, Poke is wonderful as the plants get big and retain their foialage until decempber. You can find big plants, wait until they die and then dig up the huge tuber they grow from and replant it at your site. Blackberries and many thorny vines and brush grow form Ryzomes and can be plugged and moved to your site.

    Look your site over and determine how it can be improved and get to it.

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