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It's so nice that Arizona is medical... Went to a trimming party

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by ChinaRider, Mar 20, 2012.

  1. Helped harvest my friends first medical grow.... This was Orange Crush.

    Attached Files:

  2. Yeah I helped someone harvest once...without a wouldn't think it would take so much time.
    So they trim them then hang them?
  3. It was his first.... He hung then trimmed.

    I usually trim first and then put on a drying screen I have.
  4. did he smoke you up for helping?
  5. Arizona is getting medical?

    That odd, considering it conflicts (as in, it's progressive) with other arizona policies like allowing doctors to lie about a woman being pregnant if it prevents an abortion.
  6. #6 ChinaRider, Mar 20, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 20, 2012
    We have been medical for almost a year now... Governor Brewer hates it. This is just my buddies first harvest.
  7. No worries.... Will be hooked up once its cured. :-}
  8. Lets hope and pray that it keeps spreading east all the way to Texas.

    FOR TEXAS! :bongin:
  9. [quote name='"Ganja.Bus"']Arizona is getting medical?

    That odd, considering it conflicts (as in, it's progressive) with other arizona policies like allowing doctors to lie about a woman being pregnant if it prevents an abortion.[/quote]

    I live in AZ, didn't know doctors would/could do that? I don't think they do, it could be harming the child because what if the mother smokes meth or even cigarettes or drinks a fifth of jack before bedtime..

    My girl was getting sick so she went to the doctors, they told her she's pregnant and she had an abortion.
  10. Nj is legal apparently but only to terminally-ill patients.. Hopefully we take steps closer to the way california is :thumbsup:

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