Discussion in 'General' started by stevizzy, Jan 27, 2011.

  1. #1 stevizzy, Jan 27, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2011's spooky quiet outside and the snow is just dumping out of the sky with big fluffy flakes. I'm listening to "Nothing but a Dream" by Paul Kelly....awesome music for a spooky quiet stoned evening.
  2. Thats awesome

    Edit, lucky you. theres a chinook in my area right now :(
  3. your so lucky! :) ive never seen snow fall, only that frosty ice stuff in winter ):
    its not quite snow, its not quite ice, its like slush and melts really fast... )':
  4. It's been snowin all day here.... I'm sick of this shit.

  5. man go live your life!

    think about this

    imagine if you went outside with nothing but your undies on. preferably white tighty whities, AND JUST DOLPHIN DIVED INTO THE SNOW ON YOUR STOMACH.

    preferably infront of a person walking alone(or a group of people).

    dude it would SURELY be a lifetime long memory. the person who you did it to would be MINDFUCKED for like his whole life. and he will remember you everytime he see's snow

  6. It's snowing here too! OP: Dutch Wonderland, I know where that is dog :wave:
  7. I love it when it snows, we got a decent bit today, but it's going to melt tomorrrrrrow.
  8. Man, I grew up in new England.... I been seein it my whole life.... It aint fun anymore, it's just a fuckin cold ass hassle that I'm sick of.
  9. I am so glad I live in So Cal lol. Snow is beautiful but I don't do well in the cold.
  10. Supposed to get 9-13 inches in CT.
  11. Im glad it doesn't snow in Austin...Would never be able to smoke outside
  12. I love the snow its so peaceful last night I went outside and smoked a joint through my bubbler just hanging out with my dog. It was really quiet out and the sky was totally clear. It was amazing :smoke: ... especially towards the end when I realized if I blew the smoke into the light from the house it created an orange hue, I think I was was really high. :eek:
  13. It was hot out today, I wore a jacket to walk to the store, and was sweating in it by the time I got there, I love TX :)
  14. I miss the snow, it made for so many great memories. It's been almost ten years since I've had the chance to play in snow of reasonable accumulation.

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