its my birthday

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Sudan420, Sep 28, 2010.

  1. :hello: staying home and blazing till i pass out:eek:
  2. [ame=]YouTube - Chipmunks - Happy Birthday to You!!![/ame]
  3. thank you good sir :smoke:
  4. how do u pass around karma:eek:
  5. omfg i loled hard, thank you!!
  6. happy birthday, u should do something other then get high at home go out and enjoy your birthday.
  7. happy birthday my man.

    but dont stay home alone! at least have some friends or family over
  8. happy birthday dood, september burrthdaysss rulllle
  9. Happy Birthday bro, mine's on Thursday
  10. happy bday man, mine is tomorrow :D
  11. ^^ Early Happy Birthday.

    @OP Have a great Birthday.
    (If you mean the + rep for Karma it is the scale looking icon. Found on the upper right corner of the post you want to +) :hello:

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