Decisions, decisions. I'm 22 today. Not a big deal for me, birthday's aren't really something I care about. All my friends want me to go out tonight and get smashed. I don't really want to though. The whole "bar" scene feels pretty old. I know everyone is going to be PISSED if I stay home though. Honestly, I'm not a people person. I never have been, I like hanging out with people once in a while, but most of the time I'd rather be alone. What I want to do tonight is get a bottle of merlot, finish the last 100 pages or so I have left in Dune while drinking my wine. Then smoke some Kush, watch the Director's Cut of the movie Dune and fall asleep. To me, that's 100x more fun than going out to a bar full of drunk college "bros." What do you think I should do blades?
Do what you want. iF you dont wanna go out, dont bother, maybe call them round and smoke up or something? If it aint that big a deal to you, no reason to go out unless you want +Rep please kind sir
you can stay in and do that stuff any night. why not go out and get trashed, or at least have a few drinks on this one night of the year happy birthday btw
happy birthday man :] maybe go out to dinner with friends but skip the bar? nuthin beats a whole restaruant of strangers singing Happy Birthday to you haha
Humor your friends and go out with them, hell make them buy you shots. I know it's not your ideal day but you need to go out with your buddies once and a while or they'll start to drift away. It's just the nature of friendships. I wouldn't consider myself a natural when it comes to people either and I made the mistake of alienating some really good friends just by not paying them the attention they deserved. I am only now, one year later, winning them back. Good friends, hell good acquaintances are hard to come by and that's something you only really realize once they start to disappear. Even right now, option 2 (reading/watching Dune) sounds more appealing than it would had you no other offers. Because then I bet you'd feel a little lonely - if no one had wanted to take you out drinking. The bar scene can be hard to stomach. Just get smashed. You have a really good excuse and your friends will take care of you tonight.
um smoking, drinking and reading dune all beat getting smashed at some random bar. go with the second choice.
dude. its your birthday. if your friends get pissed at you for wanting to enjoy your night and relax n blaze. then obvioulsy you have shitty friends. i have no problem being around people, or sparking convos. but im in the same boat my friend. id much rather get a nice 6er of some good brew. some dank, and a good movie. or just hop on the keyboard and make a beat. do what the fuck you want to do
I'd say go out for atleast a little bit man. I mean you can read and watch movies tommorrow, but you can't party on your birthday tommorororrrow
yeahh but you arent understanding he isnt a people person.. if you use that logic. then i could say. he can go party tomorrow. he cant relax, drink some wine, and smoke some dank by himself on his birthday tomorrow..
I do understand. I was in the same boat like 6 months ago, when I turned 22. I'm not a people person either but I went out and played some poker in a large game and don't regret it at all.
yeah i know what you mean. but everyones different so ya never know. i know id rather kick back, and chill at home most nights. but then again, i tend to go to the occasional party. just however im feelin i guess.