I dunno what the subject means but I know it has some profound connection to what I am about to write. I've been smoking for about...let me count for a second...8 months now, starting at the middle of last summer. Anyway, the last 3 months of tokin have been very chill...meetin new heads and what now. But I noticed that the ganj hasn't been very nice to me lately... You know when you reach the point where you dont even get mindfucked, the cigarettes stop powerbaking you, and you feel burnt out no matter how much you smoke? Well, I was just wondering how some of you guys/chicks keep smokin so long? I might just stop because it stops workin. Why toke when u can roll, trip, or drink? My first time I smoked a gram point 5 and got RIPPED. You know the what I'm talking about. I'm really pissed about fucking ganj. No matter how headie the nugs, they only rip me for like 30 minutes. I would like to stop for a few weeks just so I can clear most of it out and get ripped the next time I do it but all the money I get goes to ganj. Typically, my friends and I smoke about 3 separate times a day during the school week and about 4 on the weekends so that could be a major factor FUCK what am I typing....this is all just useless dribble....it doesnt even have a point.....fuck...and i have no nug for tonight just a few stoges....shit, peace..
just stop for a week to 3 weeks then smoke to hearts content it will work ive done it same with sex but that has nuthin to do with this...dont quit its no fun without everyones buddy....
Stopping for a while can be a solution to getting you more ripped, but it seems like you dont want to quit because of the fact that you and your friends smoke 3 times a day. I would suggest you try to find some kind bud up where you live. You be surprised how much higher you can get from a couple of bong rips of the shit, I'm sure you know what I mean. KB highs are very intense but with a clean 'ahhh' feeling with it. It's like your head is in the clouds, but your feet are on the ground. Anyways, I hope everything turns out okay for you.
Yes, we all get to the stage when the weed just doesn't get you as high, and I guess that's why crew lend up smoking more and more. I've known dudes too have up to 10 cones first thing in the morning before they even go to work. Then they have around the same for smoko, lunch and hit the piss when they get home. I guess some people like the hardcore life!! Me, I smoke everyday and have done for too many years. I had a 7 day break when I went to Bali about 3 years ago, and another 4 day break when I was in hospital about 12months ago. It does burn you out. You'd be in denile to say it doesn't. I guess it's up to you what kind of life style you want. I love the shit, and admit I'm a addict, but it's not really something to be proud of. Do you know what I mean? If your at school, just take it easy. Use but don't abuse and you'll be cruising!
i do smoke KB, and i smoke it more than i smoke middies. its just that middies are good when ur in a jam and need some cheap nug to get u through the day... quitting for a week would be like trying not to touch ur penis for a week. i honestly don't know whats goin on in my head i want to stop because its boring and repetitive but i need to continue cause im addicted and basically every single one of my friends is a pothead. i would be chillin there drinkin or something while they puffin and drinkin, i doubt id be able to do it....man, take a look again, take a look again, things you have collected, well, in the end it all piles up so tall to one big nothing, one big nothing at all....
I think all regular smokers probably wish the buzz was like when they first started sometimes. In my case, I probably wouldn't have become a regular smoker if it had stayed the same. I used to get body tingles (not a good as coke, though) and freak out because I couldn't feel my heart beat. (Not really in a bad way, but I sure was preoccupied with finding it!) One time I had to have my brother drive after we left a smoke-a-thon because I was hallucinating (the ONLY time it's happened to me on pot). The ground outside started to all look like the static on the tv screen. I was scared my foot wouldn't find something to stand on. If it had stayed like that, then I probably would have become a rare user (kind of like I am with acid). A really good way to describe it that sound too cliche is... it becomes a habit. Things that don't bother me a bit when I'm smoking really get under my skin when I stop (for about a week). Some people call it withdrawal, but I think I'm just re-learning how to cope with stress without pot to mellow me out. So if you want to keep the killer buzz from pot, then you have to cut WAY back (like probably once a week or every other week). Probably wouldn’t be a bad idea since you’re in school still. Not necessarily because of your age, but of your level of responsibility. Most people think that the working years are when we have to be most responsible. I say it’s while you’re in school. Jobs are a dime a dozen, but you get many fewer chances to get your schoolin’ right. If you don’t learn while you’re in school then you’ll be………. uneducated (to say it nicely). I’m not saying it’s impossible to go through school and smoke pot at the same time and be learning anything, but it will make it harder. And if any adults find out about it who want to make your life hell, they certainly can with the suggesting of a simple drug test. I’ll shut up before I take up the whole fuckin’ page. You make up your own mind, but make it wisely.
I love the ganj smokin community.....so nice to each other. Actually I am one of the honors potheads in my group of friends. Most of them are going nowhere but somehow I manage As and Bs....Thankfully, my parents and almost all of my friends parents know what we do. Sure they bitch and look out for us but luckily none of us get drug tested.
wow guy you have to chill a bit, the whole thing is you can go thru the day ripped and just be a stoner all the time or Do what you have to do and when its done Then get ripped and enjoy. This way your not constantly buzzed and feel like it dont work. It works you are just never not buzzed long enough to know, 22 years and still smoking baby
Great job with those grades!! and a stoner too!Try just chillin smokeless for about 4 days, thats usually enough for me to really enjoy a nice buzz.