hey guys been thinking about signing up to donate blood. Any blades out there that donate? And any trick? Like going in after jogging/running to help it "flow out" better
I thought about donating some just to find out my blood type. Where I live it's only a once every few months blood drive and I haven't made it out yet. I probably will at some point though.
It's a great cause, many people need transfusions. I have donated a few times and where I am there's a question sheet to fill out, a nurse talks it over checks bp sugar and whatnot. I have been told to eat and drink water before hand. Cookies and a juice box fallow heh
I'm not allowed to donate blood or plasma, I was born abroad during the mad cow scare in the 80's. Sent from my HUAWEI Y536A1 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
I used to donate blood.. til I found out that I got Lyme disease as a kid. The Red Cross never rejected my blood.. but they say that Lyme can hide like a mofo, so I figure it's better to be safe than sorry. I'd like to though.. always felt good to give away my blood. One time I went.. I was forcing my blood into the bag so hard, that I filled it up in less than half the time it usually takes. The needle almost slid out from all the pressure.. and then I got super pale and dizzy, it was great. They gave me extra cookies Sadly, I wasn't smoking weed at the time. I always wanted to donate and then get high right after. They say that you can get crazy high after donating some blood.. but have yet to try it.
I am an organ donor though! Which I kind of regret now, because I read this thing online where they have a right to pull the plug on you if you're in the hospital or something, to use your organs? And you could possibly have no say in it or something, I dunno it was something scary and fucked up like that. But now that I think of it, would anyone really want a drug addicts organs? I'm pretty sure that would exempt me from giving blood anyway, so...?
Gaahhhh, dude in this lifestyle I've see people stick needles in their arms and numerous other places(blech) almost every day, and just reading that makes me squirm. Ugghhh, so gross, makes the crook of my arm feel weird lol. You fucking freak!
Not only have i gave blood but me and my buddies also went drinking after. Disclaimer: Don't actually do that, it can literally kill you.
I give blood at least once a year. During high school I gave blood every opportunity I could. Rocked the red cord on my gown with pride. I'm fine with needles. Look away? Naa, I'm staring at that shit. I need to know what you're sticking in me. Obviously, I take them up on any freebies/promotions they're doing for donating blood. Always a good feeling to come in after someone and leave before them. Recommend getting a pump/workout in. Bag pumping full of blood every time I clenched my hand.
Donating blood is a very good way to give to your community. Though I wonder if they would take blood with pot in it.
from reaserch I've done it's to the discretion of the nurse with mj Ya got a card for them ( Canadian blood services) and am thinking on checking it out sometime next week. At least doing the questionnaire/blood check
Always questioned that, but shit. If I was on the verge of dying and my doctor was like, "we got blood for you, but the donor had THC in their system so we can't give it to you." Bitch you better give me that blood. I'm dying ! Lol probably how it goes. Would be a little disappointed if I found out they threw away my donated blood though.
I'm not allowed to give blood, I don't meet the weight criteria I weigh less then 8 stone so I get rejected
Only if you're brain dead...Used to be if you're heart stopped you could be legally declared dead. That changed in the 70's to brain dead. Also, the ER teams that will try to save your life in an emergency are a separate entity to the transplant teams that will do the organ donation fun things, so likely in the ER they wouldn't know or care that you are an organ donor...They just want to save your life. My organs are well useless to most people, they might do something for science but we'll never know because I am not a donor...The thought of my body parts runnin' around after death is scary. I have donated blood before though, but I felt I should since they used a lot of it to keep my heart beating many, many moons ago.