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Its doomed!

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by cork144, Aug 18, 2008.


    had it in my bubble bucket, lastnight it was looking a little pethetic, this morning woke up and it was a little yellow, 2 hours later and now its like this!

    i had to act fast and put it in some soil from a potting plant in my garden, its in a small glass atm because all the shops are closed that sell soil

    what soil am i gonna need to get for it, i cant get hydro to work for me so soil is my only option!
  2. Well I know nothing about either Hydro or taking clones, lol, but I'll try and help, I do know a bit about soil!

    I would say your best bet is to go for something organic. Check for slow release nutes, you don't want them! I don't know where you are, but ppl here seem to favor Fox Farm soil. (You may choose to add your own nutes later, 20.10.10 or similar for veg period)

    Hope it helps and GL! :smoke:

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