It's Black History Month...

Discussion in 'Politics' started by PhillGates, Feb 1, 2011.

  1. #1 PhillGates, Feb 1, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 1, 2011
    ...and remember, nothing says Black History Month like a Double Quarter Pounder from McD's, just ask the good folks at Black Entertainment Television.


    Edit: An early apology for this lame ranting. I just hate BET, McDonalds and pseudo-charitable causes.
  2. black history is american history.
  3. mcdonalds is american history
  4. MMMM McDonalds sounds amazing right now.
  5. I just bought a pack of ne.... vermind
  6. #7 JohnnyWeedSeed, Feb 1, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 1, 2011
    Next month we will celebrate White History Month. We will all get together and drink Pabst Blue Ribbon and throw the cans in the back of our '89 cameros while the wind blows through our mullets and Skynyrd blairs on the 8 track as we do donuts through the trailor park.
  7. I thought we would just watch the history of the world part 1 and call it a day.
  8. Holy shit are you spying on me?? How did you know?
  9. Oh and by the way, why is it february that's black history month? It's not even watermelon season or anything. :D

  10. You know, you got a point! how can you celebrate BHM without a good supply of african ham?
  11. fixed.

  12. Funniest shit I've ever heard.
  13. Why can't we have a white month?

    Oh, does that automatically make us racist?

    Fucking hypocrites. Blacks gets away from race cards while whites don't....
  14. Because white history caused black history month.

  15. That makes no sense at all.

    Hey, lets have an Asian month as well?!

  16. We ruled the entirety of Western Civilization for quite some time, and have barely loosened the stranglehold on power in the world in recent times.

    Let black people have a month for themselves.
  17. Yeah .... because there were no africans participating in the slave trade, and because only africans have ever been slaves and discriminated against ... /end obvious sarcasm.

    Black history is barely a tragedy when compared to how we stole everything from native americans. Wheres their highly publicized month? Oh yea ... Native American history month would sell NOTHING so there is no point.

    They can already have whatever they want if they are willing to do what it takes to get it. Just like everyone else.
  18. #19 Johnny Cash, Feb 2, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 2, 2011
    Here's how white history caused black history month:

    Your white European ancestors brought black African slaves to America. Today, black African Americans designate a month to honour their ancestors and how got there.
    Hence, white history caused black history month.

    Makes perfect sense to me.

    You'd think that Americans, from a very capitalist country, understand that their ancestors were directly responsible for slavery simply by creating a demand.

    Don't you understand that where there is a demand, there will be a supply? Anywhere you go in the world you can buy people if you pay them enough. That doesn't mean it's ok, even though the person selling the slave is just as guilty.

    Just let them have a black history month. They just remember their ancestors and it causes so much controversy? Get over it. Don't want to participate in it? Then ignore it. Couldn't be easier my friend. You're getting worked up over a very petty thing.

    If the native Americans want to have a native American month? Let them. Don't like it? Then don't participate.

    As for black history month blatantly being used for advertising by corporations, that's just wrong on so many levels.
  19. Is black history month about the slave trade or black accomplisments?

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