its been awhile, GC

Discussion in 'General' started by docleary, May 5, 2012.

  1. i don't know where to begin.

    my girlfriend and i split up, one of my best friends moved to florida, another is busy raising his new family and i'm still stuck in neutral, going no-where. not that i want to be raising a family or living anywhere as hot/humid as florida. last fall i had the realization that i had almost nothing positive in my life, and i haven't been able to change that for the better. in fact, i've lost two, almost three of the things i loved most.

    i don't know where i'm going with this, but i guess if you recognize me, we're as good as "friends" and maybe a couple of you were curious as to what happened to ol' docleary. i haven't had a chance to lurk enough to see if my favorite blades are still posting.

    /attentionwhoringrant :rolleyes:
  2. Good to see you man. Dont worry about friends, they come and go try not to let it bother you. Love yourself, its the only thing that cant run off.

  3. Damn man.

    I can only wish you the best of vibes.

    It could ALWAYS be worse.

    Just be grateful that you have your health and aren't facing legal issues.

    Regardless, be well, bro.
  4. Good to see ya back around man, STILL WAITIN on them shiitake logs to fruit :laughing:

    Sorry so much shit that sounds like a bummers been going on, I wish you the best man, and stick around for a while again ya know?
  5. So GC only matters when you need something :D
  6. Start meditating, it kind of shows you how unimportant(in a good optimistic way) these kinds of things are in the grand sceme of things. In all honesty if youre not sick or in legal trouble youre doing pretty good.

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