Its become a problem

Discussion in 'General' started by acekilla89, Jul 8, 2009.

  1. If i had my computer a month ago there would have been a thread about the situation with my now ex girlfriend...she left me for an older guy which is completely fucked cause shes still sixteen.

    Its been a month since then, and ive been a wreck, and ive been relying on the herb to get me through it, little did i realize that it was getting between me and my best friend is pissed at me cause i couldnt hang out with him without being baked...and ive pissed off alot of my friends.

    I made marijuana a problem for me, and i dont want it to interfere with my job like it has with my friends, so as any responsible person im going to stop smoking for a while so i can get my life back in order...

    wish me luck guys...
  2. Good luck. Just only smoke before bed or something like that.
  3. Well shit man, there's nothing you can do really. I've known some girls that have always been interested in older guys, it's just what they do, you can't stop it.
  4. Taking a few days to sober up can sometimes give you a good perspective at true reality, maybe to see what friends you really care about man. good luck.
  5. i thought about that, but i only smoked on the weekends usually, since the break up ive been smoking after work, and some days id just be high all the time, which isnt a problem, its just interfered with my friends i still have, so im cutting off any consumption till i feel my life is back to the way i friend said everyone can see im changing and it shows and its not in a good way.

    she broke up with me cause i was losing my temper with her over little shit...its fucked up i know but its just built up stress that i have no idea how to vent and i had asked her to help me change it but she didnt do shit to over all the shit with that bitch...but she messaged this girl im talking to on facebook saying dont get involved cause im just going to be a dick like i was to her...
  6. Damn dude that sounds shitty good luck.
  7. Obviously you shouldn't snap over minor things, but that bitch's telling other chicks to stay away is bullshit, just cause she couldn't make it work doesn't mean it completely your fault.
  8. its, uh.......................

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