It's about to STORM question...

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by Fennimore, Aug 3, 2023.

  1. It's about to storm VERY hard and I was wondering if I can bring my plant inside even though I don't have a grow light or anything to help with growth... will it hurt her to stay inside for the day while it storms? Or should I even care about bringing her in? Let her ride it out? I'm more or less worried about screwing up the light she needs.

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  2. i really think as long as plant gets some sun light it should be ok .its nearly finished in couple weeks ...a day or two even 3 days is not going to hurt the plant being inside ...mac.
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  3. no problem
    bring her in leave her by a window, in the hope of a break in the weather
    return once over

    good luck
    • Agree Agree x 3
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  4. 24 hrs? I wouldn't bring it inside, just out of weather a bit, U have a porch? At that stage they should be able to take a pretty good storm, just stake it up good? :confused_2: I had some plants flattened by a storm, they bounced right back but got sand in/on the buds, a real PIA.
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  5. Sand in buds is a problem here even when the plants don't fall over.
  6. :( One reason I moved inside. We got sugar sand, but that alkali dust out west even got in my watch, not to mention EVERY orifice. :eek:
  7. I live in NM but in a sandy area. There are nearby sources of alkali dust but not close enough to affect me. I don't think so anyway. I'll have to check my orifices to be sure.
    • Funny Funny x 2

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