How hard is it to hide a growing marijuana plant from a room mate? Having to mask smell and a place to hide it. I want to try growing but he cant know. Current Strain of Choice - Girl Scout Cookies
virtually impossible. between the lights, and having to go in and water and feed them, and of course the smell at the end of flower. he will find out eventually.. it's inevitable. plus if he's sharing the electric bill with you, that wouldn't be cool sticking him w/ the extra electric expense.
Any way I can change his mind? Because he's a cool guy and a good friend he justs worries a lot hes not a smoker. Current Strain of Choice - Girl Scout Cookies
Just depends on the setup of the house. I have two roommates, one doesn't know and he's lived with me for almost a year now. Edit: It's my house though and I charge a flat rate for utilities.
I have my own room that has a lock Im mostly worried about smell Current Strain of Choice - Girl Scout Cookies
Not as far as I know They could be hiding in my closet Im not sure bro. Current Strain of Choice - Girl Scout Cookies
Is your room mate a police infomer or a plant on a long term infiltration mission to disrupt some of the darker elements of the recreational drugs community perhaps
you can try.. but i can almost guarantee you that even if he agrees, once late flower comes around and it starts stinking bad, he will freak out and get paranoid. Or he'll run his mouth or something at some point.. i mean it's your call.. but i've seen it a million times with people's roommates getting paranoid towards the end. i'd try and sit him down and explain everything to him if you are really that into doing it.. he should know all of the risks involved.
No I just don't want to be a dick. He says its none of his business as long as he doesn't see it or smell it. Excuse me for being fucking courteous. Current Strain of Choice - Girl Scout Cookies
Ooo- I thought you were going to tell a real secret! I decided last night.. My housemate doesn't dig the idea of me growing but I'm going for it. I really am. And then! I won a GC/vault thing where I get free seeds (I think) and it made me decide even more. I bought seeds from nirvana like so long ago. And they just sit there cause she says "no" well to hell with that. I'm doing it! I am, I'm sorry if it's rude but I am. And by gawd you should to!! Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
This ^^^ If you're not running a 100% legal grow, you're putting his ass out there too...if you get busted, there's a huge chance he's gonna go down too... Not to mention, the more people that know, the more likely someone is to have loose lips...which could lead to cops, or rippers... Personally, I think growing in shared accommodations is not a good all... Just my opinion though...
I dont know if I should be taking your advice if your name is ignorantfool. All kidding aside your probably right I'll just wait till I have my own place most likely. Current Strain of Choice - Girl Scout Cookies
Think of it this way, do you think someone could grow a smelly plant under your nose with out you knowing? If the people you live with aren't cool with it then its probably a bad idea and disrespectful.
if you don't live in a legal state take a guess how this is going to end up with a pissed off room mate.
I live in a legal state. But it's still illegal to grow. Isn't that lame? I could make beer or wine or any other corn grained alcohol, but I can't grow. I'm still growing. Even if it's one sad lonely plant. I'm doing it. But yeah - I get it, but there are so many ways to hide it so people don't know. I'm just offering my opinion on it. No one has to agree, everyone can disagree. This is simply my option. I promise not to beat OP up if he decides not to Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
Probably the best advice. I'm just a rebel. Or perhaps I'm tired of doing what everyone thinks I should do and not allowing myself to do what I want. I guess it's all personal. You know your situation best. I'm in a place where half of this house is mine and I'm in a legal state. If growing caused you to be homeless.. Well don't! If growing just made your housemate grumpy for a day or two well.. Do it! Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
IgnorantFool = Moderator, Means, "Been around the block. More than a few times..." Words of wisdom...