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It's a sad day...(leaving my dealer)

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by LBC213, Feb 5, 2011.

  1. I think I have just bought the last bag. Too expensive, £25 for 2g!! It's usually dank but now realise it's too much and I can get it cheaper shipped from another country, with all the transport it still works out cheaper wtf. Only annoyance is the wait, that's why I get it off him. But now it's gone too far, 7g(a quarter) would work out to be £87.5, while this other contact, would be £43.33 for decent stuff and dank dank about £85.

    Just wanted to vent about ridiculous prices, other dealers get wet weed, this guy is ok but wtf with the prices.
  2. 2gs for 25? I'd kill for that.

  3. 25 pounds, not 25 dollars.

    That's equivalent to almost $50.

    Pretty damn expensive for 2 Gs.
  4. yup, just realised it today, been too high to think. I've only just started getting back into weed and getting it off him for the past 2 weeks, but this new contact is going to be my main supply from now on.

    £25 for 2g, which is $40 for 2g
  5. Then again, you shouldn't even be converting his UK dollars to our US dollars. Different currency.
  6. He's right! They're prices are far too high. (pun intended)

    I get a quarter of decent stuff for £47, and that's considered an okay price. :smoke:
  7. im about to pick up a half oz for 45! cheep as fuck.

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