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It's a placebo

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by smoakdoap, Feb 6, 2011.

  1. #1 smoakdoap, Feb 6, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 6, 2011
    On my birthday about 3 weeks ago me and my friend were gonna smoke weed, first time for both of us. We didn't really have anything to use that night, so my friend made a piece with a carb by poking two holes in an empty red bull can. We lit up and all, but I didn't get high. I'm pretty sure I was releasing the carb at the same time as I was taking my mouth away, which obviously doesn't work. Besides, no one gets high their first time huh?

    So last monday I had a day off from work but still didn't feel like going out an buying a pipe. I looked up how to smoke out of an apple and used what little weed I had left. Still felt nothing. Okay, I thought, apple is kind of a so-so way to smoke anyway.

    Finally last night I got with a friend who's been toking since junior high and we got some mid-to-exo bud and smoked, out of a legit store bought pipe. He stopped after a couple of pack ups, and seemed pretty stoned (this is a lifetime smoker we're talking about here). I wasn't feeling anything, so I smoked what must have been twice as much as him. I still got no high all night.

    -Am I just not inhaling right? I don't really cough, although I feel I should since I'm a rookie.
    -My tolerance/metabolism is really high. I eat and eat and eat and never gain a pound. I'm 6'4, too.
    -I'm buying some brownies this Wednesday. We'll see how it goes.

    Also one last question... at a sports physical (required for my college), they won't detect any weed use right?
  2. I've never heard of a drug test in a sports physical

    And I had trouble inhaling when I first started, even the tiniest amount would irritate the shit out of my lungs if I actually inhaled it down into my lungs, it took me quite a few times before I actually got high. When you smoke, try to inhale some air right after you stop taking the hit and it'll force the smoke down into your lungs, if your lungs get irritated / you cough and you exhale some smoke, wala you're doing that part right, and you should get high.
  3. Your not inhaling right. Inhale smoke into your mouth then take a big inhale so it goes into your lungs. Then hold it for 5-7 seconds then exhale. Repeat.
    As time progresses you will eventually just inhale it straight into your lungs.
  4. Well, it's not necessarily true that no one gets high on their first time smoking, as I'm sure a bunch of blades here will agree. I'm going to go ahead and say that you probably aren't inhaling right. Are you just sucking the smoke into your mouth, and then blowing it out? If you are, then you're doing it wrong. You need to suck it into your mouth, open your mouth, and inhale with the smoke still in your mouth. To test and make sure that you inhaled, exhale through your nose and if smoke comes out then you're golden. Otherwise, you're not inhaling anything and therefore not getting high. As for the edibles, those will get you fucked up, as long as you know how to eat correctly :)

    EDIT - Mysteryman beat me to it :/
  5. Weed is definitely not a placebo. You are not inhaling right, even though its super simple.
    Suck on pipe for a few seconds with the carb coered, suck for a few seconds with the carb uncovered, then suck it all down, waita sec or 2 and blow will probably feel the extreme urge to cough the first few times
  6. I have absolutely heard of a drug test for a college sports physical!
    I think it would be out of the norm if they didn't have one
  7. Mmm, I highly doubt he's playing a major sport on a D1 team or something, but shrug I have no idea they still could none of my friends had to
  8. I have gotten drug tested at a sports physical and how long till you have to take it. Since you have a fast metabolism you should be good with a couple of days of working out and drinking alot of water and dude that brownie is going to get you so stoned
  9. i have been smoking for 3 years - joints only

    however when i hit a bong / pipe i dont get high - it must be because im doing something wrong or just because i dont like it
  10. Basically what everyone said up there ^ but i must stress that you release the carb while youre inhaling. The carb works by pushing all the smoke inside the chamber into your lungs with fresh air. Pull smoke into the chamber and let go of the carb while inhaling. When you feel no more smoke entering your mouth (or your lungs are full), then stop. Never cough into the pipe tho. Happy toking! :smoke:
  11. Weed is not placebo

    I didn't get high my first time

    If you're not getting high after that many tries, you ain't doing it right.
  12. You're doing it wrong, on the plus side if you do get drug tested at the physical you will probably pass because you're not inhaling correctly.

  13. - Probably not, you should be coughing. After you take your hit inhale oxygen to push the smoke into your lungs and then hold for 5 seconds.
    - Your tolerance is nothing and your metabolism has little to nothing to do with getting high, especially your first time.
    - Smoke, you never know what people put in the brownies or if they make them right.. There could just be lots of chocolate, not enough weed or a ton of weed but improper cooking techniques.

    They don't usually drug test you but you might want to check..
  14. I think you just need to learn how to inhale. Try sucking the smoke in your mouth, then open your mouth and simultaneously breathe in.
  15. Hit the pipe suck the smoke into your mouth like you are drinking through a straw. Then once you have enough smoke in your mouth release the carb and inhale all the way. Ive seen ppl say they dont get high and when they hit they dont understand how to hit it and dont get high. Then i gave them a shotgun and they were baked.
  16. Nah, I got ripped as hell my 1st time.
    Me, a buddy, and a bubbler. And the stuff was the first 1/16 I bought.
  17. do what you gotta do t os moke.

    I never buy edibles from people... EVER.
  18. You don't get drug tested for a physical exam, even for a D1 college sport. NCAA administers random drug testing themselves.

    EDIT: OP, I wouldn't do brownies if you've never gotten high before. It will most likely be way too intense and unenjoyable. Try smoking again, but inhale deeply into your lungs

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