Itchy after handling plant

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Mothersuperior, Jan 27, 2010.

  1. Uhh... this might seem strange, but is it normal to feel itchy after handling a plant?
  2. No...?

    what particular part are you touching? maybe you are allergic to pot:eek:
  3. Had to toss my plant that was male. So I was touching it all over.

  4. That is a sign of alergic reaction to marijuana. If you break out into a rash you need to start researching. A guy on here posted after smoking for ten years developed a alergic reaction to marijuana. A sure way to tell is if u rub a single leaf on the underside of your arm. If a rash forms your alergic man. I'm probably wrong so don't get bum just an idea

  5. That is a sign of alergic reaction to marijuana. If you break out into a rash you need to start researching. A guy on here posted after smoking for ten years developed a alergic reaction to marijuana. A sure way to tell is if u rub a single leaf on the underside of your arm. If a rash forms your alergic man. I'm probably wrong so don't get bum just an idea
  6. hatchplzhelp is absolutely right. This is almost a sure sign of an allergic reaction to MJ. Sorry. You may be able to smoke it, but it is quite possible you may have to take extra precautions to grow it.

    Good luck.

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