It seems like those days are long gone. Why do you think the public(majority) is ok with these actions now?
I don't think the majority of the people are fine with these actions. A lot of people on welfare are just abusing the system and creating a huge financial problem. Abortions are a touchy subject I won't get into cause I personally don't even know how I feel about them. Welfare on the other hand is for the people that NEED it. Not for the lazy bums that won't get off their asses and find a job.
You'd prefer to live in a world where a 16 year old is thrown out of the house by her parents because she wasn't prepared to be a mother? We must not be smoking the same shit...
its tha first of the moooonth it used to be shameful to be gay, used to be shameful to be black, used to be shameful to be seen without a hat in public
Well first we learn in Dept of Education that everybody is the same and equal. So if anybody's poor or broke it's because they had bad luck, not because they are douchebags. Then we get the media drilling into our brains that capitalism is unfair and the state needs to fix it. So again, if you're poor it's bad luck. After a century of marxist critical theory it's just not politically correct to say "personal responsibility" anymore.
So abortion is the solution to shitty parents who kick their kids out of their house for getting pregnant? What about the fact that the parents are just , well, shitty? And most of those people that would kick out their daughter for getting pregnant would probably kick out their daughter for getting an abortion. and i believe if you are younger then 18 you need parents consent.
First off nice Bone Thugs reference. Secondly I don't think anyone was ashamed to be black maybe some people were but not everyone. I'm sure back in the day of slaves and such being black wouldn't be a persons first choice of skin color but they made do and were proud in their struggle for freedom. I've also never heard of people being ashamed of being seen in public without a hat. Doesn't make much sense to me...
See back in the day, there was opportunity. Our parent's generation, if they went to college for 4 years, were pretty much entitled to live well. Fuck, they invented the mcmansion. You could work for a labor union and actually stay in steady work, and make enough money to have a family by giving up 40-50 hours a week, every week. Nowadays, a B.A or a B.S. is like a high school diploma, and any one worth having is gonna cost you about 50k or so at least. See the opportunities don't exist as much as they used to, so it's no longer that people are sorry and lazy and have no shame, it's that not as many people have that many options. When it's not a choice, you don't have to put up w/ the guilt. On the abortion thing, I'd say that's directly related to the demoralization of societies that happens when you bring in vulgarity and violence and everything else into every american home via 500 channels of cable or satellite tv, the only apparent purpose of which is to make people more ignorant and less likely to make a choice based on a reasoned moral line of thinking. Also, the fact that it's totally legal now. When I was in middle school, a friend of mine's dad used to perform abortions in his home. The women were all breaking the law. And most of them, I imagine ended up w/ some emotional scars that were a product of a socialized mentality of what's universally right or wrong, (like abortions) rather than a case by case evaluation of an individual's moral conduct, (which is apparently too hard for most people to bother with doing).
You should realize the two are not mutually fact, the lack of one promotes the other. I'll let you do the math on that. To prompt the thought process, who do you think pays to raise the children of the single mothers who can't afford them because people such as yourself decided what was best when their birth control unexpectedly failed? If the mother is forced to birth the child, but can't pay for it despite working 3 minimum wage jobs...then someone else has to pay for them...hmm...Wait, what's that I hear? Abstinence? Right, that always proves effective. Just ask Bristol Palin...
the biggest thing wrong with welfare is that it is too easy to get. the biggest thing wrong with abortion is that it is too hard to get. and like a guy up there ^^^ said. less abortions = more welfare. there is a bit in Freakonomics by levitt and dubner. a whole chapter actually. where they discuss the role of Roe Vs Wade(1974) on the crime rate. they correlate the decline of violent crime in america in the late 80's (violent crime rate peaked in 1984) with the availability of legal abortions. in a nutshell all the women and men who would make the shittiest parents now had an option other than raising the next generation of criminals. all those teenage douche-bags who would, otherwise, be beating you shitless for your wallet now.....didn't exist. i'm paraphrasing of course. but the same rationale can be applied to welfare... I.E you think welfare is a fucker now (and it is), imagine if abortions were still illegal.
The book Freakonomics has been attacked by some over the years for the idea that the reduction of unwanted children decreases crime, but I think it's a sound theory. There are other reasons that crime has gone down, but abortion is probably the most important one. Some would call it pre-emptive execution. I don't care what they call it as long as it works.
Or maybe they're just really into raw-doggin' it. And I've never met anyone who is pro-abortion, which is just a simple-minded, strawman term used by folks from Jesusland. As for welfare, free money > shame to many people.
And I can get a good look at a T-bone by sticking my head up a butcher's ass. EDIT: BTW, I think the condom and personal responsibility remark would be a vast generalization, unless you actually contacted all of these said pro-abortion people and got them on record.
And anti-abortion people live in a fairy tale world where condoms and all other forms of birth control are 100% effective, rape never occurs, and all women/men who have sex are perfectly capable (financially and mentally) of raising a child properly.
so it is okay for social conservatives to 'legislate' lifestyle choices that they approve of, but if liberals try the same shit in respect to the environment (for example) conservatives go ape shit. i laugh my ass off every time some halfwit neocon argues against abortion and for abstinence only sex education, usually in the same sentance. you guys want less abortion, then let schools hand out condoms and teach about birth control. but that would never fly. it is intruding on the 'lifestyle' choices of parents. sometimes an abortion is the responsible choice.