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it never works when i try to grow

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by MattmPsi, Mar 31, 2016.

  1. If I planted an autoflowering seed in some good soil outside during good weather is it pretty solid that I'll most likely end up growing some smokable buds?
  2. No its impossible, will never work, do not try it. Everyone's just teasing about growing weed. It actually comes from asteroids ....send me your seeds, I'll waste my time I guess
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  3. not unless you take care of it....keep reading
  4. It will be as good as the amount of time you spend nurturing it
  5. Maybe your hands are just Round -Up. Try wearing gloves next time
  6. is a great site with specific detailed topics on up before yoi buy a single thing
  7. As long as you know if your soil outside is good then yes you'll be able to grow good bud. And of course watch out for deer and foxes. Atleast one of my plants always taste tested by a local animal.
  8. Your Getting the Wrong Information about Growing Bruh! You better READ,READ AND READ SOME MORE!!! Or you'll be wasting all your money!!! If that's the way you look at it then you shouldn't even grow you should sell cars or something else!

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  9. Just go adventure in the how to grow section of the forums. And there's plenty of videos on youtube how to grow autoflowers. You can learn a lot in about 2 or 3 hours of some research but really, growing is something you have to experience yourself.

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