Israels booming secretive arms trade exploits Palestinians

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Trippers, Aug 19, 2013.

    "Israel's secretive arms trade is booming as never before, according to the latest export figures. But it is also coming under mounting scrutiny as some analysts argue that Israel has grown dependent on exploiting the suffering of Palestinians for military and economic gain.
    A new documentary, called The Lab has led the way in turning the spotlight on Israel's arms industry. It claims that four million Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza have become little more than guinea pigs in military experiments designed to enrich a new elite of arms dealers and former generals.
    The film's release this month in the United States follows news that Israeli sales of weapons and military systems hit a record high last year of $7.5bn, up from $5.8bn the previous year. A decade ago, Israeli exports were worth less than $2bn.
    Israel is now ranked as one of the world's largest arms exporters - a considerable achievement for a country smaller than New York."

  2. What are you? A paid Palestinian shill or something?
  3. #3 jay-bird, Aug 19, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 19, 2013
    Great job, guy. You're good.
    Not for responding like a seeming dumbass, but because you responded perfectly by almost exaclty replicating the responses of anti-zionists/americans/westerners, such as Trippers and other members when you post events of interest pertaining to the security of Israel.
  4. No way, not Israel! They are Gods chosen people. Always the innocent victim.
  5. whats up johnny stop in at nirvana, we miss the old members come back to us
  6. And BTW Trippers, I really wish I was blissfully ignorant enough to be trolling you by saying this, but that article, and likely the documentary "The Lab" is just bullshit anti-Israel propaganda.
    It's like the Israeli could have lied, or gave the tuthful answer. Neither is good enough for anti-zionists.
  7. israel are the real terrorists
  8. You should change you name to Pointless.
    Much better! lol
    actually made me laugh. haha

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