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Israeli military abducting and abusing young Palestinian children

Discussion in 'Politics' started by SmokinP, Feb 11, 2014.

  1. Have a look at this Australian documentary if you want to see what the scum that make up the Israeli military are up to. Kidnapping young children at night from their homes, beating them, sexual abuse, etc etc.... 
    This is the state of Israel in its full glory. Disgusting.

  2. Palestinian propaganda at its best !
    Sexual abuse lol.
    Fucking a goat anyone ? ..... lol.
    Well done smokinp :)

    Sent from Israel, the land of the jews.
    You watched a 45 minute video in 24 minutes? (thats assuming you started the video the second smoknip posted it, which I doubt)
    Israel is better at math, so their 45 minutes is like 20 minutes.
  5. Conclusion of 2013 UNICEF Report on Palestinian children in Israeli detention.


  6. I seen it before guys relax.. Wtf? Its heavily edited short clips and palestinian propaganda interviews. Nothing there will tell the whole story, Just what they wanted to show you.

    Sent from Israel, the land of the jews.
    When did you see it Tom ? It was only posted online yesterday.
  8. After it was published in abc, we had a show in israeli tv about this movie.
    Propaganda at its best, from both sides.

    Sent from Israel, the land of the jews.
  9. OH yeah definitely bro. Definitely.
  10. This program was only shown in Australia in the last couple of days for the first time. I think perhaps you are confusing it with something else.

    This is an independent Australian documentary. This is not propaganda.

    Sent from the back of a fat donkey....
  11. Can't imagine that torturing kids who throw rocks will be effective to stop the rock throwing, though
  12. What do you suggest be done about stone throwers? The fact that they target anyone, even toddlers goes to show that these kids are brought up by parents who teach them to hate.
  13. Its from Australia, and we all know if you arent an Israeli, or are from Israel, then you dont know anything about whats going on there.
  14. Well, it Tom is harping on about it's validity, I will definitely have a look at the documentary.
  15. No.. These kids are angels, non of them trowing rocks god forbid... But They are soooo sexy the israeli soldiers don't stand the temptation... lol.
    What a load of crap.
    Israel fights terror and will continue to fight terror, non of these bs movies will change anything. But the sexual abuse is the highlight ! lol..

    Sent from Israel, the land of the jews.
  16. Effective.

    Imagine you driving with your family on highway at 100 km/h, and suddenly you getting a brick on your windshield that smashes everything..

    In Israel civilians have died like that.. From only one rock.

    Sent from Israel, the land of the jews.
  17. So you approve of the Israeli military bursting into houses in the middle of the night abducting children, electrocuting them and threatening to have dogs bite their genitals ?

    Sent from the back of a fat donkey....
  18. ^^ they do enter at night for arrests and weapons search, the rest about sexual abuse is pure bs.

    Sent from Israel, the land of the jews.
  19. Really ?

    So are you saying that the Australian film makers are making it up ? Is it all a conspiracy against Israel ?

    Sent from the back of a fat donkey....
  20. They don't tell the whole story, only part side. And yes a lot of their claims of sexual abase is bullshit.

    Sent from Israel, the land of the jews.

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