isopropal/hydrogen peroxide question. 5 gal dwc.

Discussion in 'Hydroponic Growing' started by timotei, Jul 30, 2012.

  1. So I have been reading about the benifits of h2o2, hydrogen peroxide, use in hydroponics. Haveing read to stay away from the weaker 3% medical stuff, do to additives in the liquid to stabalize it, I realized I have access to some of the purest rubbing alcohal available. Now this stuff is like 99.9%. Its used for auto detailing. I used to use it everyday, and can still get it from my old employer.

    So is bigger, (in this case, purer) really better? Or will this stuff kill my plants? Any insight to the proper use of this stuff would be nice...
  2. #2 TheWatcher, Jul 30, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 30, 2012
    What does rubbing alcohol have to do with hydrogen peroxide? I think you've got your wires crossed dude. They're not the same thing.

    If you want a good grade of h2o2, get the 35% food grade online.

    The reason people use it is because it cleans by oxidisation, and when the extra oxygen atom releases what you're left with is just oxygen and water and no residual chemical. For this reason you can use strong solutions to spray down rooms, clean dripper lines etc, even use it in nutrient tanks to keep pathogens at bay, or in water to bring up oxygen levels. Some people use it in pots with clones, or to sterilise blades, foliar spray plants, clean the bathroom, kill smells...etc etc etc... It's handy stuff to have in.

    You can even use it for application to remedy ailments such as fungal infections, cuts and grazes etc. The dilution for each application is different.

    And then you've got hydrogen peroxide therapy, which you can find out about and judge for yourself.

    All of this you will have to look into. There are hundreds of articles online about it. Do some reading.

    Oh and btw no, it won't kill your plants.

    Rubbing alcohol might though.
  3. yeah, as tw said, h2o2 and alcohol are not the same things

    3% h2o2 is normal h2o2, 35% h2o2 is the high end stuff that will turn your skin white if you get it on you

    the 99% alcohol you said you should drink lol
  4. Wow... I can not believe I actually asked this question... Must have been really stoned! Now that I've looked back, yeah, the two are completley different! Lol, I'm not sure why I made that strange connection!

    Having said that, I do appreciate the reasponses. Wow I feel a bit dumber today.
  5. Today? Lol
  6. Hydrogen Peroxide The strong oxidizing power of H2O2 makes it suitable for the destruction of a variety of pollutants

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