ISO Reclaim Cleaning

Discussion in 'Concentrate Tools' started by Pngwyn, Aug 6, 2012.

  1. So I just 99% iso'ed my piece and poured out the yellow goodness into a glass baking pan for evaporating. Do I just leave it 100% uncovered? I imagine that is the best way for it to evaporate quickly, but will dust and other unwanted stuff get inside? :\
  2. Why do people go to these extremes to get a high?

    Just buy some bud.. Just think of what youre trying to do. Youre gonna smoke something that was soaked in alcohol 99%... Which was resin??
  3. #3 kush70, Aug 6, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 6, 2012
    i have some drying right now - its almost done

    I have a small fan i set on top of my pyrex to help it along..

    unless your sawing wood in the same room , you'll be fine

    some people actually do run out of bud from time to time

    to each their own....

    this topic has been beat to death alot recently lol
  4. #4 Pngwyn, Aug 6, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 6, 2012
    LOL people do it all the time. Isopropyl alchohol evaporates 100%, you're trippin, and all that is left in the 1% is water (which, surprise, also evaporates). And it's not resin, it's reclaim, not the same afaik... maybe you should understand the process/science instead of making claims with no experience :\ Then again you are suggesting me buying more bud in the concentrates forum.. so whatever.

    Thanks for the fan tip I'll try it out. So you keep it uncovered? Do you have any random stuff floating/sticking in your goods?
  5. nope , never had any issues...

    I put one coathanger over the top of my pyrex ( the fan is just barely smaller than the pan ) and put the fan face down on top on high...
  6. [quote name='"Pngwyn"']@Easygoing
    LOL people do it all the time. Isopropyl alchohol evaporates 100%, you're trippin, and all that is left in the 1% is water (which, surprise, also evaporates). And it's not resin, it's reclaim, not the same afaik... maybe you should understand the process/science instead of making claims with no experience :\ Then again you are suggesting me buying more bud in the concentrates forum.. so whatever.

    Thanks for the fan tip I'll try it out. So you keep it uncovered? Do you have any random stuff floating/sticking in your goods?[/quote]

    Hey man, its your life... Smoke what you please :wave:

  7. i understand the concern, but its no different than using bud with iso ( the process )

    it does evaporate

    everyone is different , to each his own ::)

  8. Could you guys tell me how you clean you're pieces? i got a 20" straight tube that i tryed cleaning and there was still a shit ton of resin in it.
  9. [quote name='"Bubba Kus"']Could you guys tell me how you clean you're pieces? i got a 20" straight tube that i tryed cleaning and there was still a shit ton of resin in it.[/quote]

    90% iso and sea salt.. Just shake it like craaaazzzyy!
  10. Epic setup haha..

    I think a crazy thought is that people AREN'T reclaiming their pieces.. it's super efficient and takes about 15 minutes of work total, and just a bit of patience after that. Basically the same process as making QWISO, and thinking that anything you are reclaiming is dangerous is just silly... but to each their own is your friend people, paranoia is not.
  11. IF i do use 90% and sea salt , will the salt evaporate to so i can get the hash?
  12. Typically you use salt as a microscrubber, so if you were to use it it would be solely for cleaning your piece and not getting reclaim/resin in return, I believe.

    I think you need to do it without salt, and use warm/hot ISO inside the piece. Not sure if people actually do this with resinous pieces though as I have only seen it done on oil rigs. But if you do that, and then set it aside on a tray, the alchohol will evaporate and you will have whatever is left over.

    Just make sure the ISO alchohol ingredients are ONLY Isopropyl & Water, some brands add extra stuff in that you definitely don't want.
  13. [quote name='"Pngwyn"']

    Epic setup haha..

    I think a crazy thought is that people AREN'T reclaiming their pieces.. it's super efficient and takes about 15 minutes of work total, and just a bit of patience after that. Basically the same process as making QWISO, and thinking that anything you are reclaiming is dangerous is just silly... but to each their own is your friend people, paranoia is not.[/quote]

    Will you eat a steak that was soaked in iso? After it evaporates of course. Honestly
  14. #14 Pngwyn, Aug 6, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 6, 2012
    Yeah I would, but I would probably punch the person who soaked a perfectly fine steak in ISO in the face.

    ..In all reality, unlike reclaim ISO wouldn't evaporate very well in a steak since they are naturally super moist, so no I wouldn't. But terrible metaphor/counter-argument thing, reclaim isn't a porous piece of moist sponge-like meat.

    I don't know what you're trying to argue.. iso evaporates 100%, period. You are safe to smoke/eat/fuck anything that has touched iso so long as it evaporates, you know why? Because it's no longer there. Hard concept, I know, but I hope you will understand one day...
    • Like Like x 3
  15. But you get my point.. And i wasnt trying to argue. You just made a smart ass remark so i was like "hey!" :wave:
  16. Besides... Soaking resin in alcohol and smoking it isnt too smart of a thing. Ill pass..

  17. So thick-headed, all good. To each their own. No reason to argue with someone who doesn't know the difference between reclaim and resin anyways :\
  18. [quote name='"Pngwyn"']So thick headed, all good.[/quote]


    Gotta be when someone recommends you smoking resin.
  19. ;)

    Call it what you want, baby! Reclaim, resin, tar, cancer causing material, mercury... It is what it is
    • Funny Funny x 1
  20. #20 kush70, Aug 7, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 7, 2012
    it is what it is.. bad for you , no matter if its bud or the residuals from the bud
    fumes are bad,regardless what they come from reclaim isnt the tastiest thing in the world to smoke but when i'm out and wanna buzz that takes the edge off... as It'd did a couple of minutes ago..

    but as said.. to each his own :)


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