i wanna make sum iso hash can i use everclear alcohol its 100% alcohol instead of isopropyl alcohol? EVERCLEAR 190 PROOF GRAIN ALCOHOL - Shoppers Vineyard and i was looking at both iso hash oil and butane hash oil witch one is the oil were u can pour i seen a few pics, heres sum of what i am talking about. my goil is to make this thc gold i seen at the med shop how do they go about making this is it iso oil or butane oil?
I dunno! But hot damn would I love to see a recipe for this that produces results like that description! Subbed
I think hash oil is runnier. In my experience i have never had honey oil pour. Its to thick of a goop and if high quality and purged correctly it can turn into a rock. It is the most potent thc extract I have smoked (hope to try budder some day but its not available in cali as far as i know)
There are really only 2 options if you want nasty, black, runny oil. You can make QWISO with a low % solvent and not let it evaporate fully(why?) or you can cut it with something(NOOO). THC gold can be achieved with either solvent. But I would be willing to bet it was made with butane because that way they can charge more.
This was originally posted at gardenscure by pyrogenesis figured he said it better then i could. "Before we begin, a little background knowledge, so that you know what you are doing, and why you are doing it. One of the basic principles of chemistry is that LIKE DISSOLVES LIKE. That is, a polar solvent will dissolve polar molecules, and a nonpolar solvent will dissolve nonpolar molecules. Here's how this fits in: THE COMPOUNDS ---------------------------------------- THC (and other cannibinoids)...................nonpolar chlorophyll (and other waste)..................polar THE SOLVENTS --------------------------------------- Ethanol...................................................moderately polar acetone..................................................moderately polar water......................................................polar butane...................................................nonpolar hexane...................................................nonpolar Thus, hexane, being nonpolar, will not dissolve the chlorophyll, but it will dissolve the THC. Ethanol, being moderately polar, will dissolve both. The reason that the container on the left in the above photo is almost black in color is because it contains all of the chlorophyll and other waste. The golden-colored container on the right is not contaminated with all this waste. There are many other nonpolar solvents that could be used to make honey oil with the same purity, but hexane is the solvent of choice because it is the cheapest and safest to use." Anyways alcohol is also polar and like other polar solvents it will add unwanted material to your final product reguardless of the time exposed to the alcohol though a quicker time should have less. But I just rather make something more pure with less hassle in my opinion.