I read like 40 guides online and studied all week until I got payed. So i bought a oz of kick ass kush and grinded it all to powder using a coffee grinder. Then I used ISO method to break down 2x and filter the alcohol, then double boil constantly stirring with a spatula until I got around 2 fl oz of just oil and tar. So then i mixed all of the tar/oil with the other half of my oz. Its really sticky like bubblegum. I can mold it, roll it around all that good stuff with the dirty spatula which i will scrape later. Whats the best way to make it not so sticky and liquidishy. < not a real word. But all in all its green/black stick icky goodness I would just like it a little drier. Any help would be appreciated and hello all, because this is my first post to!
BTW, i'm smoking some now. It smokes very well and looks like its gonna last for like 200 hits a bowl, i know it really wont just saying it burns so slow. Feeling pretty good. It just bubbles alot and getting hard/thick as it dries out. Taste good, doesn't take like that black ass you scrape from your pipe.
Does it look normal (Though it has weed mixed in with it now.) Most i see online is green to tan or light brown, mine was black like tar. I probably double boiled it to hard, but from the boiling temps of Water 100 C 212 F, ISO Alcohol 82.5 C, 356 K, 181 F (which was slightly boiling from the steam on the bottom of the pie pan, to lastly the temp of THC 157 C 315 F which there is no way boiling alcohol could evaporate i'm pretty sure. It gets me high yeah, but I was expecting alot more, this just clumps up into hard rocks and I have to break it. Is all this normal?
I was thinking of putting it between 2 sheets of tin foil, then wrapping it in wet newspaper and baking it at 375 for around 15 mins 2x, re soaking the paper between turns then rolling it with a roller and freezing it. This way I could roll it really flat and maybe let it air dry? And well not foil maybe a ziplock bag? but I don't wanna melt plastic into my shit and ciggy selefane isn't enough.
Scraped every bit of it up, cleaned all of the making materials and sealed it up airtight and wet paper baked it 2x after resoaking. Mid second bake I heard a POP so I knew there must have still been some alcohol vapors, so i'm guessing this finished cooking them away. Rolled the hell out of it and stuck it in the freezer for 20 mins. Peeled this off and broke it up. Final Results:
you should collect enough flatten it to a rolling papers thinness and roll a joint with some chronic, if you do it post pics
looks kind of weird to me. Like lots of plant matter got through your filter. I really dont understand your first post its confusing. "Then I used ISO method to break down 2x and filter the alcohol, then double boil constantly stirring with a spatula until I got around 2 fl oz of just oil and tar. So then i mixed all of the tar/oil with the other half of my oz." Sounds to me like this is where you messed up. Now your baking it and soking it? the fuck. I bin that and start over, actually read the guides on here idk which ones you were following. Try the ISO HEAD THHREAD My method is : Freeze Everything Grind up trim/bud into fingernail size Gather all materials Soak bud/trim in iso no longer than 30 seconds Strain in to bowl Then use coffee filter to strain into final plate Let sit overnight done. Seems like you did to much or didnt filter becuase that honestly looks like resin when you do a reclaim on a piece
ISO HEAD THREAD check it out man im guessing your bud was siting in your iso while the iso was straining through to the dish/to long of wash time. also freeze buds and iso before