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Island Skunk

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by Nick01857, Oct 4, 2010.

  1. This is my first post ever ^^ This is some island skunk from my main grower. Iv'e been smoking this stuff for two years now and it keeps getting better. I always like to switch it up with some other stuff though.

    The picture might not be very great, I took it with my iPhone. If I find a camera soon i'll take a few more.

    Attached Files:

  2. Way to rep michigan!:smoke:

    where you at
  3. I live in Rochester Hills next to Troy and Auburn. Great weed but shitty weather :(
  4. that looks like some well grown m39 if you ask me :rolleyes:
  5. Sweet Island Skunk?

    Tied for best strain I've ever had.
  6. Rochester hills Represent haha

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