Besides the reefer, I wouldn't trust any pharmaceutical drug. From what I've learned in school. Medications come in 2 forms. Real and sugar. your doctor doesn't even know which one he/she is giving you. Basically, the company who makes the drug wants to make sure that it is not the placebo affect taking place and that the pill actually works. But it would seriously piss me off if I got a pill and died because it was some dumb sugar pill while the person who got the real medication lived. And the doctors did "all they could" to save my life. Really pisses me off.
I do not trust any pharmaceutical drug, big pharma companies are a no-no. It's manufactured poison at its core. I've seen what pharmaceuticals do to people, my brother has lost his mind due to percocets, he's not who he used to be, it's truly sad. Fuck you American Medical Association funded by Rockefeller .,!,.().,!,.
My dad is an old steel mill man. And when I was younger I had the ammonia. I had to get a spinal tap and he threatened to kill the doctors whole family if she fucked up and made me paralyzed. But either way- he hates doctors. He stopped taking his blood pressure medication and his blood pressure went back to normal. Now isn't that odd?
I go to a college, but mind you I will not say which one. I don't want my privacy taken from me. Most antidepressants are sugar pills. Placebo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia In one common placebo procedure, however, a patient is given an inert pill, told that it may improve his/her condition, but not told that it is in fact inert. Such an intervention may cause the patient to believe the treatment will change his/her condition; and this belief may produce a subjective perception of a therapeutic effect, causing the patient to feel their condition has improved - or an actual improvement in their condition. This phenomenon is known as the placebo effect.
oh the miseducation of todays youth never let your education interfere with learning... not to mention, yes there are placebos and yes there is a phenomena known as the placebo affect but this all has very little to do, if anything, with prescribed medication
Ya, them medications sure is working for me. One time I had a serious neurological disease, where I didn't feel like paying attention to things that where not interesting to me, ADD. They said I need amphetamines. And boy, did they sure work. One other time, I told my doctor I was really shy around people, and he explained to me how it was a real neurological disease, called social anxiety disorder. He prescribed me benzos, and boy, did they sure work. One other time I told my doctor that I was feeling sad and lethargic. He explained how that was a neurological disease, and gave me a SSRI and Abilify. I love my "medication". And by the way, your dad is a very smart man for hating doctors and understanding just how incompetent they can get. Doctors, and there incompetence, have caused countless cases of brain damage, organ damage, psychological damage, and death. And of course since they have a million things to scapegoat, and most people consider them the highest authority when it comes to any medical scenario. They can get away with any almost any damage they have done to people.
I've been on so many stupid pharmaceuticals for my UC. None of them worked at all.... If you have an autoimmune disease, don't even bother with big pharma. Even the US government knows that auto immune diseases can be controlled with cannabis...they just wont admit it
Patients are only given placebo's during trial procedures of a drug. They dont prescribe placebos. Either your teacher is an idiot or you need to pay closer attention. None the less I agree, pharmaceuticals especially SSRI's are sketchy to say the least.
[quote name='"Pokie"']Besides the reefer, I wouldn't trust any pharmaceutical drug. From what I've learned in school. Medications come in 2 forms. Real and sugar. your doctor doesn't even know which one he/she is giving you. Basically, the company who makes the drug wants to make sure that it is not the placebo affect taking place and that the pill actually works.[/quote] Because 12 years of medical school is just so you can wear that fancy coat [quote name='"Pokie"']But it would seriously piss me off if I got a pill and died because it was some dumb sugar pill while the person who got the real medication lived. And the doctors did "all they could" to save my life. Really pisses me off.[/quote] 1) it's illegal - unless you were participating in a research study 2) Unless youre hearing this from a college professor from the correct field (even then), then teachers know jack shit and are only expressing their opinion. 3) Most of what you heard is false UNLESS like I stated, u were in a study or any related manner.
[quote name='"Elem3nt17"']Patients are only given placebo's during trial procedures of a drug. They dont prescribe placebos. Either your teacher is an idiot or you need to pay closer attention. None the less I agree, pharmaceuticals especially SSRI's are sketchy to say the least.[/quote] This, listen better...they don't prescribe sugar pills...only during clinical trials.
[quote name='"Pokie"'] My dad is an old steel mill man. And when I was younger I had the ammonia. I had to get a spinal tap and he threatened to kill the doctors whole family if she fucked up and made me paralyzed. [/quote] Threatening a doctor isn't a smart decision... Try suing instead. [quote name='"Pokie"']But either way- he hates doctors. He stopped taking his blood pressure medication and his blood pressure went back to normal. Now isn't that odd?[/quote] No, it isn't.
Most medications work for their intended purpose. It's when pharmaceutical companies start "expanding," the list of ailments that meds help in order to extend their exclusive patent that things get screwed up.
which the almighty FDA enables them to do so.... my moral of this whole story is simply, yes there are bad physicians out there who over prescribe and over medicate. and yes there are bad drug companies that want to sell more than they should... and with the physician's aid they are able to do so... and lastly the FDA is the enabler of ALL of this dont blame the actual medications that enhance the lives of millions and have increased the quality of life and longevity of the civilized world, especially out of your own ignorance
My ADD pills work but they kind of fuck me up. I don't each much, feel pretty nervous, and dont sleep much when i take them. This is my fault, but if i have a huge test tomorrow, ill take 2 or 3 of them and stay up all night studying. The next night ill have more shit to do and be really tired so ill take another 2 or 3 at night and stay up all night again, and then so on. By then end of a hard week im like a fucking zombie tweaked out on ADD pills.